
In my case I made modification for put the content of the comment field in the 
body of the e-mail message (in place of subject), with no limit length. And I 
change the size of the "comment" field for something more bigger.

I think it's more usefull.


-------- Message d'origine--------
De: Yuri D'Elia [mailto:wav...@thregr.org]
Date: jeu. 02/09/2010 16:59
À: Download Ticket Service
Objet : Re: [dl-ticket-service] dl 0.9 beta available
On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 09:52:45 +0200
Peter Allgeyer <peter.allge...@salzburgresearch.at> wrote:

> > * The settings of tickets and grants are now stored independently.
> > * Most ticket and grant options are now moved into an "advanced" panel.
> > * Form validation is now also performed in JavaScript.
> > * Enlarged the width of the interface to 800px.
> Is there any good reason to limit the length of the e-mail box (Send
> link to e-mail) to 255 chars? With this limit it's not possible to send
> the download link to a large crowd of people. Maybe, you can change the
> setting in the final release.

No technical reason. The limit is not checked anyway on the server side (the 
ticket will simply fail to generate if excessively long).

I'm in favor of extending this field, but I'd still put some precautionary 
limit. What would you consider acceptable?

Mokrani also suggested to keep the 'send link to' text for reference, so that 
you can see the address list inside the ticket listing. What do you think? 
(this won't make it for 0.9 though as it requires a schema change).

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