I only realized a month ago that Thunderbird got a "Filelink" feature to
upload attachments to external service providers.

This article describes how it works:


They provide Dropbox/YouSendIt providers, and of course I *had* to
integrate DL so you can have your own "cloud" provider.

So here it is:


The integration is pretty sweet, and works by using the REST interface
implemented in DL 0.10 and above. If you have a DL 0.10+ installation
and you are using Thunderbird you can use it right away!

It's going to be part of DL 0.11 (hopefully soon to be released).

There are some caveats, mostly due to Thunderbird: I wasn't able to
provide user-configurable settings in the management interface. Right
now the extension will use the server's defaults.

You also cannot have multiple DL services. Again, this is a Thunderbird
limitation that prevents you to create multiple DL services.

You cannot change the username once set. Again, the other extensions
seem to have the same (dumb?) limitation. The password is not stored in
the login manager (a bug out of lazyness, I will fix this later).

If you convert an attachment to a link, and later "delete it", the
ticket will *not* be deleted (but it will be expired normally). There's
no REST interface for that yet. Likewise, there's no pretty pie chart in
the management interface, because DL has no quotas yet.

Feedback appreciated.

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