On 01/16/2014 02:59 PM, MOKRANI Rachid wrote:
> Hi Yuri,
> I deleted the line containing  (max_file_size ) in grants.php
>       <div>
>         <input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="<?php echo 
> $iMaxSize; ?>"/>   (THIS LINE)
>         <?php uploadProgressField($up); ?>
>         <input name="file" class="element file required" type="file"/>
>       </div>
> I deleted the line containing  (max_file_size ) in newtickets.php
>       <div>
>         <input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="<?php echo 
> $iMaxSize; ?>"/>
>         <?php uploadProgressField($up); ?>
>         <input name="file" class="element file required" type="file"/>
>       </div>


> There are an other pb with the size of available ticket. It's not correct in 
> the interface.
> A file 2.5gb return the following size in web interface       -1734967296 
> octets
> A file 4.4gb return the following size in web interface       165 Mb

Looks like more overflows.
Maybe also in the PDO module?

I fear this could break the download as well, especially during resume
where the offset is calculated (did you have a chance to check that?).

I will only be able to give it a deeper look during the weekend.

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