
I am currently using DL 0.8 . It is time to change the DL version 0.12.

My  DL 0.8 source code was modified to allow user authentication directly with 
AD (with the help of Yuri). My  auth.php (DL 0.8) file below works for users AD 
authentification and show all  the change we need.

Now I have to make the same changes to the new version of DL. The auth.php file 
no longer exists, the parameters of the new file sessauth.php  have changed. 
Everything need to reproduce and again modify the source code.

I think the ideal solution would be to use users AD authentification without 
having to modify the source code.

Is someone use user AD authentification ? and how he do it ?


Below my auth.php (DL 0.8)

// initialize the session and authorization

function authenticate()
  global $db, $authRealm;

  // external authentication (built-in methods)
  foreach(Array('PHP_AUTH_USER', 'REMOTE_USER', 'REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER') as $key)
      $remoteUser = $_SERVER[$key];

  // authentication attempt
    if(empty($_REQUEST['u']) || !isset($_POST['p']))
      // simple logout
      return false;

    $user = $_REQUEST['u'];
    $pass = md5($_POST['p']);
    if(isset($_REQUEST['u']) && empty($_REQUEST['u']))
      // remote logout
      Header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
      Header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . $authRealm . '"');
      return null;

    $user = $remoteUser;

  if(!isset($remoteUser) && !empty($_REQUEST['p']))
    $dc = "YYYYYYYYYY";
    $domain = "XXXXXXXXX";

    $ldap = ldap_connect("ldap://".$dc, 389);
    $mbpass = mb_convert_encoding($_REQUEST['p'], "ISO-8859-1");
    $okpass = (@ldap_bind($ldap, $domain . '\\' . $user, $mbpass)? true: false);
//   $okpass = (@ldap_bind($ldap, $domain . '\\' . $user, $_REQUEST['p'])? 
true: false);
    if($okpass) $remoteUser = $user;

// RECOVER email adress in AD

$filter  = "(&(objectClass=user)(samaccountname=".$user.")(cn=*))";
$sr=ldap_search($ldap, "OU=XXXXXXX,DC=XXXXX,DC=XXXXX", "$filter");
$info  = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr);
$_SESSION['mail'] = $info[0]["mail"][0];
$mailutilisateur = $info[0]["mail"][0];

// BEGIN add email if no exist

$_SESSION['mail'] = "nore...@xxx.xx";

// END : add email


  // verify if we have administration rights
  $sql = "SELECT u.id, u.name, pass_md5, admin FROM user u"
    . " LEFT JOIN role r ON r.id = u.role_id"
    . " WHERE u.name = " . $db->quote($user);
  $DATA = $db->query($sql)->fetch();
  if($DATA !== false)
    $okpass = (isset($remoteUser) || ($pass === $DATA['pass_md5']));
    $okpass = isset($remoteUser);
      // create a stub user and get the id
      $sql = "INSERT INTO user (name, role_id) VALUES (";
      $sql .= $db->quote($user);
      $sql .= ", (SELECT id FROM role WHERE name = 'user')";
      $sql .= ")";
      if($db->exec($sql) != 1) return false;

      // fetch defaults
      $sql = "SELECT u.id, u.name, admin FROM user u";
      $sql .= " LEFT JOIN role r ON r.id = u.role_id";
      $sql .= " WHERE u.name = " . $db->quote($user);
      $DATA = $db->query($sql)->fetch();

  if(!$okpass) return false;
logEvent("Connexion de : $user - $mailutilisateur" );
// END
  return $DATA;

if(!isset($_SESSION["auth"]) || isset($_REQUEST['u']))
  $_SESSION["auth"] = authenticate();
  if($_SESSION["auth"] === null)

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