Yuri D'Elia <wavexx@...> writes:

> On 05/14/2014 07:45 AM, Maddox Flower wrote:
> > Looking into /etc/passwd, I am seeing users such as
> > apache:x:48:48:Apache:/var/www:/sbin/nologin
> > abo-admin:x:10000:503::/var/www/vhosts/≤my_domain>:/bin/false
> I would guess then that the web server is running as "apache" here.
> > $> ls -la /var/spool
> > ...
> > drwxrwx---  3 abo-admin psaserv 4096 14. Mai 00:42 dl
> Everything else is correct. But the spool directory needs to be writable
> by apache.
> I would guess a:
>   chgrp -r apache /var/spool/dl
>   chmod g+ws /var/spool/dl
> would do the trick, but if you want to know exactly under which user
> apache is running at, run something like:
>   ps axuw | grep apache
> to know the user exactly.

Thanks for the reply, Yuri! Unfortunately, I am still not able to access to 
spools directory. Here's the output of
$> ps axuw | grep apache
apache   26077  0.0  0.0 131484  3204 ?        S    13:36   0:00 
apache   26078  0.0  0.1 132276  4240 ?        S    13:36   0:00 
apache   26083  0.0  0.0 132276  3664 ?        S    13:36   0:00 
apache   26084  0.0  0.0 132276  3664 ?        S    13:36   0:00 
apache   26085  0.0  0.0 132276  3664 ?        S    13:36   0:00 
apache   26089  0.0  0.0 132140  3520 ?        S    13:36   0:00 

Is that ok? I've gone through the whole setup once more (after removing the 
/var/spool/dl directory and the dl directory in my websites httpdocs). Still 
the same error :-(

What about ownership / group / permissions of the 
/var/www/vhosts/<my_domain>/httpdocs/dl directory, are they important at 

Can this have anything to do with the <Directory> entry? This is supposed to 
be in my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, right? I am a bit confused about 
the mod_php. Is this module loaded by apache (v2.2.15) by default?


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