Yuri D'Elia <wavexx@...> writes:

> On 09/19/2014 09:59 AM, Luca Casavola wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > is availabale a workaround to install Dl 0.13 add on thunderbird 32
> > or do we need wait for the next coming release?
> I updated the minimum version on the mozilla addon website to 32.*.
> [On a related note, I truly hate these meaningless version numbers that
> Mozilla has started to use]

Thank you Yuri,
I have installed on Thunderbird  31.1.1 ( not 32, I was wrong ) .
After setting up the DL account with my internal server I was able to produce 
the link from thunderbid but I got an erro when I tried to produce a grant
On thunderbird I got the message on the status bar:
Cannot generate a new grant
On the console error the  are no errors.
On the server side i got the info ( from webserver 's error.log )
 PHP Notice:  date_default_timezone_set() [<a
Timezone ID '' is invalid in 
but it should not be related with the issue since I got it for each dl request.
Instead , from webserver 's access.log I got :
 "POST /dlticksvc/rest.php/newgrant HTTP/1.1" 400 204 "-"
"thunderbird-filelink...@thregr.org/0.13 Lightning/3.3"
I presume there is some error on the POST request.
How can investigate on it.

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