Thanks for the quick reply!

On Wed, Nov 29 2017, Mark Pagnotta wrote:
> "DL connection error: schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed:
> unknown error (0x80092012) - The revocation function was unable to check
> revocation for the certificate" If I uncheck the "Verify SSL
> certificate" box, it all works normally.
That would be surprising. Any change you could share (even privately)
the server URL? I just need to perform a connection, so no credentials
are necessary.
The server it's running on is not hardened to be exposed to the internet, unfortunately. I can try to gather some info myself according to your instructions or I can slap together a similar machine in a VM and give you access that way. I'm assuming it will suffer the same problem.

> The  gives me a blank page in all browsers.

rest.php needs some extra configuration server-side to forward
authentication credentials to PHP. Errors here are visible on the server
logs, not on the client.
I thought I read in the docs that a blank page for rest.php was the desired result (if I have not protected the page, which I haven't). I don't see any errors in the server's logs. The page is being fetched and served properly.

What kind of web server and PHP setup are you using?
I'm using OpenBSD 6.2 with their chroot'ed httpd and php7 being run via php-fpm daemon and the built in database using sqlite3 3.20.1. We're using name based virtual hosts and the latest available version of the DL plugin form the Mozilla add-on site (0.17.2). The wx client is 0.18. I thought of testing Apache's httpd or nginx but I figured maybe the problem is elsewhere since it all works from the browser.

AFAIK, the old dl-wx client was built with an ancient version of

didn't support SNI. But the current version available online does.
That reminds me, I also tried connecting with `openssl s_client` and the TLS connection was established correctly.

Thanks again, I really appreciate the help. Let me know what you want with regards to connection information and I'll get on it.


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