On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Zdenek Kabelac <zkabe...@redhat.com> wrote:

>> t giving downtime, in a safe way.
> Normally it's not advised  to use 'dmsetup' command for  LV.
> The above sequence should be equivalent to:
> lvchange --refresh  vg/lv
> (or  vgchange --refresh vg  -  doing it for every active LV in VG)
> It's unclear how this could help  - unless you we doing some 'pvmove'
> operations (which might be worth a BZ).
> You should collect all states  while it 'DOES NOT' work.
> And then  run  the --refresh (which you thing it's fixing it for your)
> ATM I'm clueless how you get mapping without TRIM where --refresh can fix
> it.
> Regards
> Zdenek

When I rescan the single devices (the legs) I do have then
[root@dbatest1 ~]# for dev in sdea sdem ; do grep ""
/sys/block/${dev}/queue/discard_granularity; done
[root@dbatest1 ~]#

But the problem is the device mapper device of the LV itself, while the
multipath one is ok.
I had tried with both

vgchange --refresh VG_TEST_REDO
lvchange --refresh VG_TEST_REDO/LV_TEST_REDO

BTW: The VG contains only this LV

yes the current device has been the target of a pvmove operation, where
initially the LUN was not configured as thin provisioned.

but the underlying dm device still contains 0 in its granularity. And the
fstrim command fails.
in this new test it is dm-14 (while the multipath device of the related PV
is dm-47 and it is ok)

[root@dbatest1 ~]# multipath -l
dm-47 NETAPP,LUN C-Mode
size=2.0G features='4 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50
retain_attached_hw_handle' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active
  |- 7:0:5:21 sdea 128:32  active undef running
  `- 8:0:5:21 sdem 128:224 active undef running
[root@dbatest1 ~]#

[root@dbatest1 ~]# ll /dev/VG_TEST_REDO/LV_TEST_REDO
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Oct 25 17:25 /dev/VG_TEST_REDO/LV_TEST_REDO ->
[root@dbatest1 ~]#

[root@dbatest1 ~]# cat /sys/block/dm-47/queue/discard_granularity
[root@dbatest1 ~]#

[root@dbatest1 ~]# cat /sys/block/dm-14/queue/discard_granularity
[root@dbatest1 ~]#

So the problem seems to find a way to get the discard_granularity inside
One way to obtain it is my method:

[root@dbatest1 ~]# dmsetup info /dev/dm-14
Name:              VG_TEST_REDO-LV_TEST_REDO
State:             ACTIVE
Read Ahead:        256
Tables present:    LIVE
Open count:        1
Event number:      0
Major, minor:      253, 14
Number of targets: 1
UUID: LVM-ebT3iin7JZdFZCoR05NEPpXcDosNQ3Y46HwejMdu0o9qfeeeMcRTemcuGtUVqMds

[root@dbatest1 ~]# dmsetup table /dev/dm-14 > my_dm_table

[root@dbatest1 ~]# dmsetup suspend /dev/dm-14 ; dmsetup reload /dev/dm-14
my_dm_table ; dmsetup resume /dev/dm-14
[root@dbatest1 ~]#

And now
[root@dbatest1 ~]# cat /sys/block/dm-14/queue/discard_granularity
[root@dbatest1 ~]#

[root@dbatest1 ~]# fstrim /TEST/redolog/
[root@dbatest1 ~]#
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