Hi Doug,
At 14:32 22-05-2014, Douglas Otis wrote:
The goal of federated services is to prevent inclusion of unknown servers. It does not in itself exclude bad stuff. When bad stuff is noted, federation enables blocking future exchanges. Direct tweets are possible, although messaging constrained to 140 characters is difficult to take seriously since it is nearly impossible to know whether a tweet is being auto-generated. Much of it is. The way this would relate to DMARC is in the handling of non-aligned messages. When sources are identified, and feedback is generated for all known exceptions, it should not be difficult to then invert "block" logic into "accept" logic.

The question I asked was: is federation effective in excluding bad stuff? The reason I asked that question is to be able to form an opinion about the idea of an email federation. The above explains that the email federation is about preventing the inclusion of unknown servers. That does not help me in forming an opinion about the idea (see the question I asked). I used tweeter as an example of a closed system. The argument was that bad stuff can happen in a system in which the owner has full control.

Imagine your domain supporting millions of users had their accounts exposed along with their address-books. This can easily get ugly in respect to the harm this would allow.

I read that "information security and customer data protection are of paramount importance". My interpretation of that is that the importance is ranked higher than money. My interpretation would be incorrect if my domain had millions of accounts exposed. Someone might also point me to http://www.dilbert.com/strips/comic/2014-05-19/

I supported a system that reported on _all_ identified bad IPv4 addresses. To do this, it required careful exclusion of those randomly assigned addresses. We would then apply about 15 million updates every 5 minutes for the entire IPv4 address space orchestrated by two redundant servers. This information then supported several very large ISPs. The larger ISPs wanted to do zone transfers, but a DMARC exception rate for an Author Domain will be several orders of magnitude lower in scale. I'll admit this was all done using C code that avoided SQL or Hadoop. Judy is your friend. :^).

I'll make this a little complicated for you. Could that system also be used for IPv6 addresses?

S. Moonesamy
dmarc mailing list

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