On 5/28/14 2:54 PM, Dave Crocker wrote:
> On 5/28/2014 2:52 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> How do we define the scope of work for this list?
> Merely as an example, one line of effort could be towards methods of
> DKIM signature survival through mailing lists.
> It's not a new topic and it's not an easy one, and it doesn't even have
> the string D-M-A-R-C in it, but any real progress for this could be
> quite helpful in mitigating collateral damage with especially aggressive
> DMARC use.

Since you don't mention it, what about the "mail this article to a
friend" use case that has also been mentioned? Is that a problem that
should be addressed here?

I want to make sure that isn't forgotten just because it doesn't affect
IETF directly.


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