On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Tomki Camp <tc...@agari.com> wrote:

> 5.2 has 'A DMARC policy record MUST comply with the formal specification
> found in Section 5.3
> <http://www.blackops.org/%7Emsk/dmarc/draft-dmarc-base.html#dmarc_abnf> in
> that the "v" and "p" tags MUST be present and MUST appear in that order.'
> In the spec at 5.3, we have 'components other than dmarc-version and
> dmarc-request may appear in any order'
> http://www.blackops.org/~msk/dmarc/draft-dmarc-base.html#dmarc_abnf
Just to be clear, the authoritative version is here:


The cited link is an old one that is for private use and may not be current.

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