
On 09/16/14 05:08, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
         URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7372.txt

This document registers code points to allow status codes to be
returned to an email client to indicate that a message is being
rejected or deferred specifically because of email authentication

This document updates RFC 7208, since some of the code points
registered replace the ones recommended for use in that document.

I hope this is not off topic here:

RFC 7372 proposes to use a 550 response code for reverse DNS auth
failures, see section 3.3.

Reverse DNS checks are usually done early in the connection (like IP
blocks) in the connection establishment stage of the SMTP dialog.

RFC 5321 allows only a 554 error response there, see section 4.3.2.

So, shouldn't a 554 code be used here? Or does RFC 5321 need an update?

Sven Krohlas

Mailsecurity Agent
Mail Application Security

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