----- Original Message -----
> From: "Franck Martin" <fra...@peachymango.org>
> To: "José Ferreira" <jose.ferre...@anubisnetworks.com>
> Cc: dmarc@ietf.org
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 7:35:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] DMARC and Bounces (was: Indirect Mail Flows)
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "José Ferreira" <jose.ferre...@anubisnetworks.com>
> > To: dmarc@ietf.org
> > Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 3:34:57 AM
> > Subject: [dmarc-ietf] DMARC and Bounces (was: Indirect Mail Flows)
> > 
> > >From: "Franck Martin" <fra...@peachymango.org>
> > >Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 10:29:35 PM
> > >
> > >Therefore it is important to read
> > >http://trac.tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7208#section-10.1.3 on how to setup SPF
> > >to work with >bounces.
> > >
> > >I know (or have known) several large properties that did not have this
> > >setup. Unfortunately, bounces are not very visible >and it is hard to stop
> > >sending emails to an invalid address if you cannot receive bounces due to
> > >policy.
> > 
> > So let's see how this must work in bounces ( DSN ):
> > 
> > Requirements:
> >  * For the domain, the RFC5321.EHLO/HELO domain is used if the
> >  RFC5321.MailFrom is null.
> >  * RFC5321.MailFrom must have a domain.
> >  * alignment must exits between RFC5321.MailFrom domain, SPF identifier
> >  domain and DKIM's d= value.
> > 
> > So a DMARC compliant DSN must:
> >  * Have a RFC5321.MailFrom with domain
> >  * Must present a HELO/EHLO hostname aligned  domain and/or DKIM sign with
> >  d=
> >  of the same domain.
> > 
> > 
> > Considerations:
> >  * This can be tricky in strict mode. Probably we should define a new
> >  specific field to define how this should align.
> >  * Some MTAs, at least Postfix, by default generate bounces with "From:
> >  MAILER-DAEMON (Mail Delivery System)".
> > 
> RFC5321.From (envelope from) must be a valid email address or be null <>
> RFC5322.From must have a domain (the From Header, not the envelope From
> RFC5321):
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.2
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.4
>    from            =   "From:" mailbox-list CRLF
>    mailbox-list    =   (mailbox *("," mailbox)) / obs-mbox-list
>    mailbox         =   name-addr / addr-spec
>    name-addr       =   [display-name] angle-addr
>    angle-addr      =   [CFWS] "<" addr-spec ">" [CFWS] /
>                        obs-angle-addr
>    addr-spec       =   local-part "@" domain
> As such the construct you indicate is illegal:
> From: MAILER-DAEMON (Mail Delivery System)
> http://www.postfix.com/bounce.5.html, it is indeed a problem with postfix out
> of the box and empty_address_recipient needs to be configured properly.
> Note: this rule for RFC5322.From may be relaxed by RFC6854 for EAI/SMTPUTF8
> compatibility reasons only during the transition.

I think there should be a wider reference to bounces in the 
I know bounces are rare and we try the most to avoid bounces but it happens and 
have specific issues that should be addressed differently or , at least, 

José Borges Ferreira

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