1. Hotmail/outlook.com puts a green shield in the web UX in front of trusted 
senders who authenticate. Is that what you mean?

Only sort of. That's ad-hoc since each recipient system has their private list of green-bar-worthy senders. (I mean, if I wanted to get into it, how would I do so?)

2. They do it based upon SPF/DKIM + sender's brand is on their internal list. How is that different than the S/MIME thing you mention?

S/MIME signs the message body using the same kind of certificates that browsers use for HTTPS connections, so you should be able to get an EV certificate for S/MIME the same way you do for HTTPS. The problem is that as far as I know, no MUAs look for the EV flag or display EV mail any differently from any other signed message. The other problem is that no major webmail handles S/MIME at all, even though the spec has been stable for decades and it's in Outlook, Thunderbird, and all the other desktop MUAs.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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