On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 12:27 PM, J. Gomez <jgo...@seryrich.com> wrote:

> > The question to me is whether the message that the MLM software emits
> > is the same as the original message.  If it is, then the Author ought
> > to be preserved across the MLM.  If it is not, then the MLM emits a
> > new message, and it actually SHOULD NOT keep the Author the same, as
> > described above.  So we get to argue about "same", and of course the
> > specs aren't particularly rigorous about this.
> >
> > RFC5598's definitions, in Section 5.3 (and indirectly 5.2) say that
> > it doesn't change From, from which I infer it doesn't change Author,
> > although it does say it's a "new" message that's emitted.
> It seems RFC5598 says 3 things:
> 1. That the Author and only the Author goes in the Header-From. Period.
2. That mailing lists keep the "original Author" (sic) in the Header-From.
> 3. That mailing lists also become an Author when they retransmit a message
> (Section 5.3: "Because a Mailing List can modify the content of a message
> in any way, it is responsible for that content; that is, it is an
> Author.").

> I see point 1 as normative, point 3 as an arrived conclusion (logical
> deduction) and therefore also normative as long as it is logically valid,
> and point 2 as documenting customary practice at the time that document was
> written.
> So it seems, as per RFC5598, that a message mediated by a mailing list
> which alters its content has, at least, to Authors: the "original Author",
> and the mailing list itself.

Keep in mind that RFC5598 is Informational.  It doesn't prescribe or
proscribe anything.  It just describes the "current" (at the time) email
architecture.  RFC5322 and its ilk are Standards track, and thus normative.

Even if we were all to concur that altering the From by adding the list is
the right way forward here (an intriguing idea at the moment), the question
of ordering would need to be addressed, and then how that applies to all
the standards we're talking about, and how MUAs need to be nudged to make
use of such things.

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