14.11.2016 16:00, John R Levine пишет:
> Bonus hack for BCC users: instead of putting the recipients into the
> r= tag, put in colon separated hex or base32 MD5 hashes of the
> recipients.  To avoid rainbow table attacks, the new rs= tag includes
> a variable length random salt string that is prefixed to each address
> before hashing.  So to verify the signature, salt and hash the actual
> recipients and see if all the hashes are in the r= list.  This leaks
> the number of recipients but not their addresses.

It doesn't protect against BCC discovery. If Alice al...@example.com
wants to check Bob bob@example is a recipients of Bcc, she can directly
get a hash of Bob's address with salt without the need to use any
rainbow tables. Asymmetric cryptography is requires with both sender's
and recipient's key to avoid this possibility.

Vladimir Dubrovin
dmarc mailing list

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