On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Rolf E. Sonneveld <
r.e.sonnev...@sonnection.nl> wrote:

>    1. it seems to me that, with this proposal, you move the burden of
>    implementing a rate limiting function from the domain owner to the
>    reporting organization. This seems not right to me, as it's primarily in
>    the interest of the sending domain to receive feedback via these reports,
>    not the reporting domains interest. For the large ESPs this may be no big
>    deal, they may have means to implement such a reporting interval without
>    much pain, but for smaller organizations this may cause problems (in terms
>    of resources that must be allocated for queuing these reports). To
>    exaggerate a bit: the attack vector introduced with 'ruf' is now more or
>    less moved from the sending to the reporting domain. Furthermore, most
>    modern mail systems have rate limiting technology on board, which can be
>    deployed by the sending domain to protect against floodings with reports
>    (granted, this shifts the burden also in the direction of the reporting
>    domain);
I'm not sure there's another way.  If the domain receiving the reports were
to be burdened with imposing the limit, it has only a few choices:

* size up to withstand whatever load the greater Internet will throw at it
* build queueing infrastructure to accept anything the greater Internet
throws at it so it can be processed as quickly as possible (also requires
* return 4xx error codes when you're at capacity (which means pushing it
back on senders or intermediaries anyway).

Am I missing something?

>    1. I wonder why you have chosen a 32-bit integer, when the unit of
>    interval is 'second'. On one hand this provides not enough granularity, as
>    the shortest interval (apart from zero) is 1 report per second, which may
>    cause significant queues on the side of the reporting domain. On the other
>    hand, a 32-bit integer means reports can be sent up to 136 years after the
>    moment of an DMARC authentication failure, which is way too long to be
>    useful. So I'd suggest you make the unit milliseconds, to make it better
>    fit for its intended use?
32-bit integers make sense to me here.  A 16-bit integer is the only other
size that makes sense, which limits one to saying something under a day.

Is the suggested time granularity useful?

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