Here's some stuff from my EAI authentication draft which it would be nice if you could fold in.

In section 1.5, I'd add a section about EAI, pointing to RFCs 6530-2, and saying that in EAI messages, you can have UTF-8 most places you can have text intended for humans, and U-labels anywhere there is a domain name.

In section 2.2, for EAI messages, local-part and domain-name are updated per RFC 6532, in that atext and dtext are redefined as UTF-8 which flows through to local-part and domain-name.

In 2.5, an EAI Authentication Identifier can be UTF-8.

In 2.7.1, an EAI header.d can be UTF-8. This flows through a change to 6376 which removes the advice to turn domains into A-labels in EAI messages.

In 2.7.2, an EAI spf.mailfrom can be UTF-8.

In 2.7.4, an EAI smtp.auth and smtp.mailfrom and smtp.rcptto can be UTF-8.

In 2.7.5, an EAI and can be UTF-8. A body.smime-identifier can be UTF-8 if they ever finish updating S/MIME.

In section 5, it'd probably be a good idea to remove existing headers where the service identifer would match yours if you turned its A-labels into U-labels.

John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
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