In article <3881693.rR9BVk4Dlq@kitterma-e6430> you write:
>2.  Externalize signaling about PSD participation.  As discussed in the 
>Privacy Considerations (section 4.1), we were concerned about the privacy 
>implications of feedback on organizational domain traffic for organizational 
>domains that don't participate in DMARC being inappropriately captured by 
>public suffix operators.

It seems to me this horse left the barn a long time ago.  Mail systems
routinely check domains in HELO and in MAIL FROM against DNSBLs, which
is at least as loggy as anything a DNS version of this check will do.

Also, if you really want to keep people from logging your queries, you
can set up a local mirror of the DNS zone, and update it in the usual
way with AXFR and IXFR.  Whatever one might have in mind for a text
version of this, a binary AXFR would be about as fast and IXFR of just
the occasional change faster.

Take a look at my DBOUND proposal.  I think it would be just the
ticket for this application.


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