As I understand it, your design depends on putting NXDOMAIN signals
 in the additional section to show that there aren't any boundaries
 between the names it returns.  How do you plan to do that?

John, I don't understand your note.

In draft-dcrocker-dns-perimeter-00, it says this:

   Another approach is use of the DNS Additional section in the server
   response.  When there is a query for a Perimeter node, the server
   would include the associated Perimeter BEGIN record from earlier in
   the hierarchy, if the queried node is within that hierarchy -- that
   is, is above the actual or virtual END record.

If you asked for, and the perimeter is actually at "c", there, you hope that modified DNS servers will return NXDOMAIN and in the additional section add But since the additional section info is just advisory, that doesn't tell you anything about, which might exist or might not. To avoid doing a tree walk, you'd need a signal that does not exist, and there's no way to do that in an additional section.

John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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