Review of:    DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and
              Conformance) Extension For PSDs (Public Suffix Domains)
I-D:          draft-ietf-dmarc-psd-06
Reviewer:     D. Crocker
Review Date:  12 August 2019

The draft specification's intent is to address a basic operational limitation in the current use of DMARC. There are domains in the upper-reaches of the DNS space that are not accessible for obtaining organization-wide policy records, but which need to become accessible. Per the PSD draft:

For domains listed in a public suffix list, i.e. TLDs and domains
that exist between TLDs and organization level domains, policy can
only be published for the exact domain.  No method is available for
these domains to express policy or receive feedback reporting for


The operational history is that the upper reaches of the Domain Name System have been restricted to administration by organizations that all strictly served as constrained registries. Their domain names were allocated by ICANN or by another public agency (such as a government). They all were distinct as organizations registering sub-domain names for other, independent organizations. Unfortunately there is no algorithm that can distinguish between these public registries from their sub-domains; hence they must be manually determined. In the DMARC specification, the aggregation of these registries is referred to as a "public suffix list", after the primary Internet service offering such a list. The term 'public' here is mostly taken to mean that the registry for such a domain operates as a public service.(*)

DMARC's use of a public suffix is to permit finding the "organizational domain", which is the domain name that is delegated from a public suffix registry and is the name highest up a branch while having the same administrative authority as the full (DMARC "aligned") domain name being evaluated by DMARC. The next-higher domain name above the organizational domain -- a public registry -- is under separate operational authority.

DMARC needs to know the organizational domain so that the organizational authority can assert a DMARC policy for all subordinate domains, notably those that do not publish their own DMARC record and domains that do not exist. This capability overcomes a downgrade attack on DMARC, where an organization's intent to have all of its subdomains subject to DMARC evaluation can be bypassed by using a name that does not have an associated DMARC record.

     The focus on these two terms is important to highlight. They refer
     to the operational role of the domain name.

     A Public Suffix serves as a public registry.

     An Organizational Domain operates as a 'master' authority over a
     branch of related names.

While the popular public suffix listing example is cited, a specific public suffix list is not normatively incorporated into the DMARC specification: That is, there is normative use of 'some' public suffix list, but no normative details for choosing it. Determination of what is a public suffix and what is not is, therefore, outside the scope of the DMARC specification. This is a very useful separation of functions, especially given operational concerns about the status quo for public suffix determination. Decoupling moves those concerns away from DMARC, per se. This both simplifies the DMARC specification and improves its stability, since it does not have to change when details of the public suffix functionality changes.

However there is now a requirement to extend DMARC's ability to assert an organizational policy record to include names in the upper levels of the DNS, which have classically been viewed as public suffixes.

Indeed, the draft specification calls them public suffixes.

Historically, domain names listed in these upper levels did not participate in the assertion of DMARC policies for their sub-domains. Now, some of these domains want to.

Specifically, some upper-level domain names need to be able to publish a DMARC record that asserts a policy for all sub-domains under them, in particular to cover domain names that do not exist or that have not published a DMARC record. This requirement even applies to some top-level domains.

That is, names that are typically classed as 'public suffix' names need to operate as 'organizational domains' for DMARC.

Draft PSD Specification

The PSD draft seeks to address this requirement. Within the DMARC sandbox, it is important to have a way to communicate a domain owner's DMARC policy, for sub-domains that do not exist or do not publish a DMARC record directly.

For upper-level domains, the draft does this by introducing an additional query, to the domain name that is one level higher than the determined organizational domain. The perspective of the draft is that it is adding a query into a portion of the public suffix list.

This approach is problematic in several ways.

It is a substantial increase in DMARC's operational overhead. It adds a query that will often be needed -- especially in the face of limited DMARC adoption. If a domain is not already a 'popular' DMARC reference -- that is, frequently encountered by the querying site -- it is likely that there will be no DMARC record for any of the three needed queries. That means a 50% increase from two (failed) DNS queries to three (failed) queries.

By it's nature, this mechanism will succeed for only a tiny percentage of domain names that are used. (Given common locality of reference, a particular site might see quite a bit of name re-use, so that the statistics for their actual traffic might be quite a bit better than the theoretical 50% increase.) So PSD it will likely provide at best a tiny benefit, relative to overall DMARC use.

Note: all receivers must support this feature and incur its relatively large overhead, while virtually never seeing the extra query be successful. So the cost/benefit incentives are quite poor for receivers.

From a design standpoint, the specification also is problematic. Added mechanism is added complexity. And the reality of Internet standards is that the cost of added mechanism is disproportionately large. Think exponential rather than linear, due to the accrued cost of implementation, testing and deployment.

Besides adding complexity, it breaks the technical separation between DMARC and public suffix, by diving into that space. Hence the PS in PSD.

Remember that the reason for wanting to query the organizational domain is to check for a policy record that applies to all sub-domains. That is, the record being sought is authoritative for the branch below it.

The proposed enhancement seeks to look for a 'more authoritative' domain name above the one that has been classed as an organizational domain.

Adjusting Perspective

Of the new set of domain names being targeted for publication of a covering policy record, there really are two types of administrative roles they serve.

One is exactly the same as the classic organizational domain: A top-level domain that is registered for an organization, to be used by the domain owner directly for itself. This really is exactly the same as DMARC's classic construct of organizational domain. For example, * and *.example can both be classic (private) organizational domains. It doesn't matter that one might be delegated by a classic public registry and the other by ICANN. The actual use of the allocated name is as an organizational domain.

The second use can be called as "association domain". The containing name covers a set of sub-domains referring to member organizations. Besides applying to groups that might be obviously classed as associations -- such as industry trade groups -- some large organizations are operated with enough independence among its subordinate departments or subsidiaries to make tight control unrealistic. A salient example of this is a government and its 'subordinate' departments.

Arguably for DMARC purposes, an association domain can be treated the same as an organization domain, since the scope of the domain's authority over its sub-domains is an internal matter, to be determined by its agreements with association members.

What this means is that the real requirement here is to improve the mechanism for identifying the organizational domain, and that requirement is outside of DMARC. This does not reduce the necessity of identifying these domains; rather it moves the task to where it belongs: This requires modification to the public suffix list operation, possibly with a parallel "private TLD" registry.

An added benefit to this alternate view is that it eliminates the privacy concern about the draft specification: only upper-level domains operating as organizational domains will be able to publish a domain-wide DMARC policy record. Domains that really are classic public suffixes won't be able to.

(Merely for completeness I'll note: Some upper-level domains have ICANN-based restrictions on what records they can publish. As has been discussed in the working group, although obviously essential to resolve, this issue is entirely outside direct work on DMARC.)


Independent of DMARC, develop a method of identifying the upper-level domains that need to be treated as organizational domains. The "public suffix" for these domains is whatever portion of the name is to the right of this, as usual. (The current draft's Appendix B might seem reasonable for this, but note that it formally has nothing to do with DMARC, per se, and it probably has some interesting administrative challenges. In any event, it is augmenting the existing Public Suffix List rather than DMARC.)

The modification to DMARC, then, is to allow this 'suffix' part to be empty, in order to support top-level domains that operate as organizational domains.

This produces zero change to DMARC's lookup behavior and almost no change to its specification.


(*) Public Suffix List <>

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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