RFC5321.MailFrom is the address in the SMTP "Mail From" command

So is RFC5321.MailFrom the Reverse-Path from RFC5321, or only the
Mailbox part of a Reverse-Path? I would expect it to be the full
Reverse-path, because

RFCs 2821 and 5321 say:

   Historically, the <reverse-path> was permitted to contain more than
   just a mailbox; however, contemporary systems SHOULD NOT use source
   routing (see Appendix C).

Source routes have been deprecated for 20 years. We can forget about them.

and a Return-Path field usually contains "<" ... ">", so it cannot be a
plain Mailbox.

No, see RFC 2821 or 5321 sec 3.3. The reverse-path is what's between the brackets, which means it's a mailbox or it's empty.

By the way, an RFC5321 mailbox allows address-literals which are not
covered by the right hand side of RFC8601's pvalue, and one cannot use
the left hand side because of

I haven't seen an address literal in non-spam mail for over a decade either. I'm pretty sure we can forget about them in A-R headers, too.


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