On Mon 17/Aug/2020 16:00:42 +0200 Laura Atkins wrote:
>> On 17 Aug 2020, at 14:18, Dotzero <dotz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You raise an interesting point, Laura. Whatever "solutions" we put in place, 
>> the abusers/bad guys will evolve. One of the problems for the good guys (for 
>> some definition of good) is that standards work takes years (decades?)  
>> while the bad  guys change their tactics at will. Crime existed before the 
>> Internet and will continue long after we are all dead and buried.
> Totally agreed. The issue here is that DMARC is a fundamentally flawed model 
> for preventing phishing. Phishers were adapting to mailbox provider filters 
> even before DMARC and there was a lot of cousin and non-look-alike domain 
> phishing even during the initial discussions. I know these issues were 
> brought up during discussion of the protocol. Unfortunately, they weren’t 
> sufficiently addressed and now we’re at a point where, to my mind, DMARC 
> doesn’t fix anything while also breaking a lot of ways folks use mail.
> It’s a little late now to go back.

That's what I meant by being stuck midstream.  Neither forward nor backward...

> I think this is an opportunity to think about the underlying technical 
> problems as well as a chance to revisit the assumptions about how email is 
> used. Discussing things like Dave’s drafts will give us a chance to talk 
> about how people actually use email to communicate with one another. And how 
> we can allow brands what they want without breaking email too much for the 
> rest of us.

We have to fix the defects that cause DMARC collateral damage, if I may so 
roughly summarize our charter.  We have two ways to do that:

Forward:  Solve each specific problem.  For example, apply dkim-transform to 
MLM messages.

Backward:  Kill DMARC expansion.  For example, reaffirm that domains which host 
personal mailboxes must not publish strict policies.


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