On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 12:11 PM John R Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> It is abundantly clear that Ericsson and AOL and Yahoo do not object to
> their users sending mail through discussion lists.  Ericsson doesn't want
> their execs to be phished, AOLhoo doesn't want complaints "why am I
> getting spam from people I know."  In each case we know from experience
> that their published p=reject doesn't describe their actual policy.

When domains have only three sizes of DMARC policy hammers, there aren't a
lot of options to handle loose screws...though I still haven't heard any
wormhole protocol suggestions which seem like viable mechanisms at scale or
which would allow the organizations you cite to express the nuances of
their presumptive "actual polic[ies]".

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