Dear DMARC WG participants,

I would like your feedback on resolving the following ABNF issue:

In Section 6.4 "dmarc-record" is defined as:

     dmarc-record    = dmarc-version dmarc-sep
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-srequest]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-auri]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-furi]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-adkim]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-aspf]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-ainterval]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-fo]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-rfmt]
                       [dmarc-sep dmarc-percent]
                       ; components other than dmarc-version and
                       ; dmarc-request may appear in any order

Note that dmarc-request is listed as optional field here.

In Section 6.3:

   p: Requested Mail Receiver policy (plain-text; REQUIRED for policy
      records).  Indicates the policy to be enacted by the Receiver at
      the request of the Domain Owner.  Policy applies to the domain
      queried and to subdomains, unless subdomain policy is explicitly
      described using the "sp" tag.  This tag is mandatory for policy
      records only, but not for third-party reporting records (see
      Section 7.1).

>From the above it is clear that dmarc-request is required in some cases and 
>optional in others.

In Section 6.6.3:

 Item 6:

       1.  if a "rua" tag is present and contains at least one
           syntactically valid reporting URI, the Mail Receiver SHOULD
           act as if a record containing a valid "v" tag and "p=none"
           was retrieved, and continue processing;

So, we should clarify under what conditions "dmarc-record" is optional.

I can see a couple of ways of resolving this (there might be other better ways):

1) Add a clarifying ABNF comment in Section 6.4 pointing out 2 different uses 
and different optionality of "dmarc-record" for them.

2) Make this more explicit and define

     dmarc-record    = dmarc-policy-record / dmarc-reporting-record

where dmarc-policy-record would require "dmarc-record" and 
dmarc-reporting-record shows it as optional.


Best Regards,
Alexey, as a co-chair

P.S. If you can provide your feedback by October 27th (2 weeks), that would be 
much appreciated.

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