On Tue 01/Dec/2020 23:21:48 +0100 John R Levine wrote:
We would like to close this ticket by Dec 15, two weeks from now, so short trenchant comments are welcome.


We can adapt the approach MTA-STS uses in RFC 8460.

If rua= has an https URI, the reporter uses HTTP POST to that URI with
the report as an uncompressed or gzipped XML file as the POST body.

TL;DR: neutral

Delivery via https, with possible retry queue, imposes an additional burden to report producers. Since there seem to be less producers than consumers, it may be fair to grant the choice of transport to the former. That is, to make the mailto scheme mandatory and https optional.

Even if the the spec allows consumers to specify the transport they like better, there will probably be producers which only honor one type. So, consumers may want to specify both schemes anyway.

A better means to control report size is to gauge the reporting interval.

The addition of the new transport doesn't seem to simplify things. I fail to see the advantage, but I can cope with it if it comes.


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