On Sat 12/Dec/2020 19:56:58 +0100 John Levine wrote:
> In article <6c5878e8-fdd8-05c0-3b60-ba180ecbc...@tana.it> you write:
>>Maybe it's me, but I don't understand the change below.  The only difference 
>>see between Old: and New: is the removal of «minOccurs="1"».  Since that is 
>>default value, I see no incompatibility.  What am I missing?
> If there is neither minOccurs nor maxOccurs, the field occurs exactly once.

I agree that specifying «minOccurs="1"» is redundant and could be avoided.


>>>     <xs:complexType name="IdentifierType">
>>>       <xs:all>
>>>         <!-- The envelope recipient domain. -->
>>>         <xs:element name="envelope_to" type="xs:string"
>>>                     minOccurs="0"/>
>>>         <!-- The RFC5321.MailFrom domain. -->
>>>         <xs:element name="envelope_from" type="xs:string"
>>>                     minOccurs="1"/>
>>> Old:
>>>         <!-- The RFC5322.From domain. -->
>>>         <xs:element name="header_from" type="xs:string"
>>>                     minOccurs="1"/>
>>> New:
>>>         <!-- The RFC5322.From domain. -->
>>>         <xs:element name="header_from" type="xs:string"/>
>>>       </xs:all>
>>>     </xs:complexType>


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