
Can we please stop with the non constructive discussions here?


On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 1:27 PM Michael Thomas <> wrote:

> On 12/14/20 10:09 AM, Dave Crocker wrote:
> > On 12/14/2020 10:00 AM, Michael Thomas wrote:
> >> When we tell you it's not a problem,
> >
> > Except that the telling was by you.  Alone.
> >
> > And you've yet to respond to the observable fact that receivers have
> > been ignoring the directive language.
> >
> > Or that many folk misunderstand the semantics of DKIM, thinking it
> > means that message authorship is validated.
> >
> I'll ignore the whataboutism, but point out that you have never produced
> one piece of evidence where the language of p=reject or any of the other
> previous labels has caused software design decisions to change for the
> worst. I don't even know what would qualify as a mistake. So yes, I'll
> take my direct experience of writing code over your indirect innuendo
> any day.
> Mike
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