On 12/28/20 5:17 AM, Todd Herr wrote:
On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 6:48 PM Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com <mailto:m...@mtcc.com>> wrote:

    I installed this handy dandy t-bird dkim verifier extension which
    allows you to just use the upstream auth-res.  After fixing a bug
    in it,
    I could see that it lists DMARC as a fail when DKIM failed, but SPF
    passed. The _dmarc record has p=none, so it seems really odd to call
    that a DMARC failure. Shouldn't it just be using the appropriate
    p= tag
    instead of "fail"? Is this left over from when Auth-res was mainly
    for dkim?

A DMARC pass verdict requires not only that SPF or DKIM pass, but also that the SPF or DKIM domain in question align with the DMARC (RFC5322.From) domain. A message such as the following:

  * Return-Path: <f...@a.net <mailto:f...@a.net>>
  * DKIM domain: b.org <http://b.org>
  * From: b...@c.com <mailto:b...@c.com>

Can get an SPF pass for a.net <http://a.net> and have its DKIM signature validate, but still fail DMARC for c.com <http://c.com> because neither a.net <http://a.net> nor b.org <http://b.org> align with c.com <http://c.com>.

Can you share the example auth-res header(s) in question along with the DMARC policy record(s) for the message(s)?

Mail from this list is being set to DMARC=fail in the authentication results even with _DMARC is set to "p=none". My mail provider -- google -- is the one that is creating that auth-res. I just looked through DMARC and AUTH-RES (rfc 7601) and couldn't find any guidance as to what qualifies as "fail". Did I overlook something?

My feeling is that failure should be reserved only in the case where both SPF and DKIM fail and that the p= > none. What I'd *really* like from a UI standpoint is the p= value passed along as well so I can decide to decorate reject differently from quarantine and none.


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