On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 4:25 PM Brotman, Alex <Alex_Brotman=
40comcast....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Some time ago, an issue[1] was brought to the list where which DKIM(s)
> being reported is not clear in RFC7489 [2].  There was a short discussion,
> though no clear resolution before conversation trailed off.  It seems like
> there were points that may need to be discussed.  One was whether the
> reporting SHOULD report all signatures, regardless of alignment or
> validity, or perhaps just the one that aligns (if there is one).  There was
> also another question if there should be a limit to the number of
> signatures reported so that it remains sane.

A warning about use of "SHOULD" (or "RECOMMENDED") with respect to
protocols: Text saying "implementers SHOULD do foobar" presents the
implementer with a choice.  If you're going to say that, you need to
explain the choice; in particular, an implementer should have some idea of
the circumstances under which she might legitimately not do what it says
and what the implications of doing so are with respect to interoperability.

A bare SHOULD, meant to be hand-wavy like "you really ought to do this, but
you don't actually have to if you don't want to" is likely to draw
attention.  I've been kind of picky about this lately during IESG

In this case, "reporting SHOULD report all signatures" -- why would you not?

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