Thanks for sending this out Seth.   folks are free to contact the chairs
and our AD if they have questions, concerns.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 12:59 PM Seth Blank <> wrote:

> On 27 October 2020, in post
> the chairs announced a split of RFC7489 into three documents, to be scoped
> as follows:
>    - The DMARC Base Spec (editors - Emil Gustafsson, Todd Herr, and John
>    Levine)
>    - Aggregate Reporting (editor - Alex Brotman)
>    - Forensic Reporting (editors - Steve Jones and Alessandro Vesely)
> The chairs are of the opinion that discussion of topics related to the
> DMARC bis documents on the mailing list has reached a point where it would
> be unreasonable to expect any timely progress toward completion of the
> refinement of the DMARC bis at this point.
> Our charter ( is clear on
> what this working group’s priority should be when reviewing and improving
> the DMARC specification: “Issues based on operational experience and/or
> data aggregated from multiple sources will be given priority.”
> We are spending too much time on items that are at best incidental to
> DMARC, and rarely are informed by operational practice or data from
> multiple sources. Efforts by the chairs to weigh in and declare discussions
> unproductive work for that particular thread, but the involved parties just
> move on to another thread, and consensus remains well over the horizon.
> We have therefore decided that the best approach to achieve progress for
> the DMARC bis documents is to form a design team, per RFC 2418, Section
> 6.5. The team will be composed of the editors, focused on their designated
> documents, as defined above. The team will be charged with working through
> all existing tickets and producing an updated version of each DMARC bis
> document to present to the working group, at which point discussion would
> resume on-list with respect to the updated documents.
> The design team will operate as follows:
>    1.
>    A moratorium is hereby imposed on creating tickets for this working
>    group, effective at 5pm PT, Friday, February 26th.
>    2.
>    The design team will have until 5pm PT, Friday, April 23rd, to work
>    through all applicable tickets, and come to agreement on each to either
>    modify DMARC bis documents (and make such modification) or reject the
>    ticket, with the reason for rejection added to the ticket's comments. No
>    tickets will be closed during this process, everything will be transparent
>    for working group review after the design period.
>    3.
>    Changes made to the DMARC bis documents will be tracked in the
>    following manner:
>    1.
>       By comments added to the ticket driving the change
>       2.
>       By comments in the markdown (.md) and/or XML version of the
>       documents
>       3.
>       Through an Appendix section added temporarily to the documents, so
>       that changes can be easily summarized for the next step in the process.
>       4.
>       All changes throughout the process will be publicly visible within
>       GitHub (
>       4.
>    At the end of the time period, in roughly sixty days (or earlier if
>    their work is finished before then), the design team will deliver updated
>    versions of the DMARC bis documents to the working group, and the working
>    group will have a chance to review that version and make
>    comments/recommending edits, etc., using
> to create tickets as needed.
>    Initial discussion will be limited to what’s in the documents.
>    5.
>    The design team will consult with each other and the chairs during
>    their work as needed.
> The chairs spent a great deal of time discussing this, and we don’t take
> this action lightly or without hesitation, but in the end we feel it’s the
> best way to not only make progress on the working group's efforts, but also
> to allow for working group participants to reset and perhaps gain a fresh
> perspective on this important work.
> After the updated documents have been presented to the working group, we
> will hold an interim to discuss them and hear all feedback.
> Seth, Tim, and Alexey, as Co-Chairs
> --
> *Seth Blank* | VP, Standards and New Technologies
> *e:*
> *p:* 415.273.8818
> `
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