On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 9:46 AM John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> >  2.  I’d welcome other inputs here on the original idea for this
> option.  I would imagine modern systems would be able to deal with rather
> >large XML files, though MTAs routinely set limits under 50M for accepting
> messages.
> I suggested an option to deliver reports by https POST or PUT, like
> MTA-STS does,
> with precious little interest, even though it's a much more efficient way
> to ship
> large files around since it doesn't need base64 encoding and doesn't relay.

I agree that it's optimal.  But long ago (in DKIM, at least) we took note
of the fact that mail people and DNS people in large organizations are
often not the same teams and sometimes it's hard for one to get something
out of the other.  If that logic also holds for mail people and web people,
I imagine the lack of interest here has a similar basis; we're talking
about standing up a whole service or endpoint here, not just adding records
to a zone file.

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