On 1/26/2022 10:04 AM, John Levine wrote:
It appears that Dave Crocker  <dcroc...@gmail.com> said:
The method of finding the organizational domain should be specified
outside of the base DMARC specification.  I suggested this back during
the PSD discussion.
That assumes that the org domain is useful on its own, rather than
just as a tool to help find policy records or to check for relaxed

It does?  I don't understand how it assumes that.

We tried and failed to find a general method to find an organizaional domain
in DBOUND, and I don't think we want to go there again.

So it's a good thing I didn't suggest anything of the sort.

This just leaves the question of why you are introducing it here?

1. There is already an installed base using the PSL.  While I understand
the desire to move away from it, the change might or might not happen
and if it does, it will take a potentially long time. ...
I think we have all agreed that whatever we come up with has to produce
similar results to the current scheme.  I say similar rather than identical,
since the PSL is a moving target.

My concern has nothing to do with equivalent semantics but rather is about the pragmatics of transition with parallel field operation, duration for gaining traction, and the risk of inadequate uptake.  Sorry I wasn't adequately clear about that.

2. In spite of the current fashion that encourages use of tree walk, it
does not have prior field experience and in fact runs contrary to
long-standing, established practices. ...
RFC 8659 suggests otherwise.

Because, yeah, the mere fact that an RFC was issued 2 years ago completely reverses established concerns and practice of 35 years...

And I'm sure there is plenty of data about operational uptake and comfort with the mechanism, though I didn't see it when searching for references to the RFC.

Please provide a point to the field experience that cover the concern I raised.


Dave Crocker

Volunteer, Silicon Valley Chapter
Information & Planning Coordinator
American Red Cross

dmarc mailing list

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