On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 3:14 AM Douglas Foster <
dougfoster.emailstanda...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I know that we took out the reference to default policy at my request, and
> I think it was in section 7.1.   But subsequent discussion helped me to
> understand objectives that were not clear to me in the previous text.   I
> think we need to re-insert something specific about domain owners that want
> DKIM-only authentication.   Proposed language:
> “Some domain owners want DMARC authentication to use DKIM signatures
> only.   This requires ensuring an SPF result other than PASS.  An SPF
> result of FAIL or SOFTFAIL is likely to produce unwanted rejects by
> non-DMARC evaluators.   An SPF result of NONE may be ineffective if
> an evaluator responds to NONE by applying a locally-defined default SPF
> policy that produces an unintended SPF PASS.   Domain owners who desired
> DKIM-only authentication are RECOMMENDED to publish a policy of “?ALL”,
> which ensures an SPF result of NEUTRAL, neither PASS nor FAIL.
> Similarly, DMARC evaluators SHOULD treat SPF NONE as equivalent to NEUTRAL
> when the RFC5322.From domain has an applicable DMARC policy record.”
> Doug Foster
> -1 on the proposed language. A Sending domain may choose not to publish an
> SPF record. That is their perogative. The only appropriate warning is that
> if a message passes through a 3rd party where the DKIM signature might be
> broken, AND a DMARC policy other than NONE is published, the message may be
> quarantined or rejected depending on the published policy.

Michael Hammer
dmarc mailing list

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