On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 3:51 AM Douglas Foster <
dougfoster.emailstanda...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Exception management is straightforward when using the PSL.   The system
> administrator simply maintains an errata file that is used to add entries
> to, or remove entries from the downloaded PSL file.   If the PSL does not
> list "onmicrosoft.com", but I want it treated as a registrar, I simply
> insert that name into the local data structure which represents my copy of
> the PSL.
> But how does the system administrator apply corrections to the Tree Walk?
>  I am having trouble envisioning any suitable solution.   The partial ideas
> in my head seem unsustainably complex to develop, administer, and query.

Were I implementing such a thing, I'd probably have a list of overrides
that map names to DMARC records.  For every name in the tree walk I'm going
to try, I'd check that list first for an override, and use that if one is

Such a list would not be likely to change often, if I even need it, so I
would not need to load it from disk very often, and could just keep it

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