Todd, as you prepare for the next draft, I want to restate my significant
concerns with the previous draft and subsequent discussions:

1) Private Registres
Private registries are a significant design consideration because they
cause a single DNS path to have two organizational boundaries instead of
one.   This was perhaps minimally important for the PSL-based determination
of the organization usedby RFC 7489, but it is certainly very important for
the tree walk algorithm.   Private Registry or Private Registrar needs to
be defined in the initial material.

2) psd=y
The PSD acronym only has meaning to those who study this document, and the
document defines a PSD as a domain controlled by an ICANN-sanctioned
registrar.   It is therefore inappropriate and misleading to take this
carefully defined term and broadly apply it to both public and private
registrars.   The term "registrar" is a well understood English term and
should be the starting point for implementing this information element.

3) psd=n
The use of psd=n implies that "psd" has two states which are mutually
exclusive.   This is untrue and misleading.  In some cases, possibly most,
the private registry is a single layer, so that one domain is both the
organization domain underneath the PSO registration, and the registration
domain above the privately registered clients.    Nothing about "psd=n"
communicates "organization domain", nor does it expose the complexity of a
dual-role domain.   The token used to identify an organizational domain
should be meaningful to the novice reader.

4) psd=u
DMARC policies can play three roles:   organization domain policy,
single-domain policy, or registrar policy.   The problem with documenting a
single-domain policy is that if it is true, the tree walk needs to proceed
upward as if no information had been provided.  However, if it is false and
believed, the tree walk could incorrectly proceed into the registrar
domain, causing relaxed alignment to incorrectly produce PASS.
Consequently, single-domain policies cannot be documented in a way which is
trusted and useful, so they must not be tagged at all.   I cannot imagine
how we can gain respect for our document if it has language which says,
"the term psd=u is useless and MUST be ignored, but it is defined so that
you can use it anyway."

Since the surviving token values are not mutually exclusive, the token
definition needs to reflect that situation.    A token of the form:
will convey the correct information much more effectively than
psd=(y|n|u).    I recognize that this is wordy and therefore prone to
typing errors, so I believe it can and should be shortened.  Whatever the
choice, the syntax chosen should not mislead.

5) Boundary verification
The evaluator needs certainty that the tree walk has not walked across a
private registry boundary.   For this to happen, the evaluator needs
feedback at the stopping point to verify that the organizational domain
chosen is the correct one for the domain from which he started.   This
requires an entry in the organizational domain policy to assert whether the
selected organization contains private registrars or not.  In most cases,
the answer will be "No", but the evaluator cannot be certain unless that
"No" is explicit.  In the exception case, the selected policy needs to
provide information about where the contained private registry boundary
occurs, so that the evaluator can correctly distinguish between PASS/FIAL
and NO POLICY FOUND.   I have proposed solutions to this problem but they
have been disparaged without an alternative being offered.  We cannot
produce a trusted result of PASS using unverifiable assumptions.

Doug Foster
dmarc mailing list

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