> On Apr 14, 2023, at 3:20 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy <superu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 10:20 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it 
> <mailto:ves...@tana.it>> wrote:
>> On Fri 14/Apr/2023 15:47:12 +0200 Scott Kitterman wrote:
>> > On April 14, 2023 1:29:58 PM UTC, "Murray S. Kucherawy" 
>> > <superu...@gmail.com <mailto:superu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> >> On Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 4:31 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it 
>> >> <mailto:ves...@tana.it>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Heck, MLMs should start rejecting messages sent from domains that 
>> >>> publish a 
>> >>> blocking policy *when they fail authentication on entry*!!
>> >>
>> >> That's not enough to avoid the damage we're talking about.
>> Agreed.  Yet, it is a sane half-way between crazy rejecting always and 
>> completely ignoring ABUSE.
> Both DKIM (certainly) and SPF (I'm pretty sure) advocate against rejection of 
> messages merely because they fail authentication on ingress. 

And respectfully, SPF always had a strong reject, hard fail policy concept 
since it's LMAP R&D upbringing — immediate rejection, 55z rejection code.

Why Not?  It was optimized.  It served a purpose to address spoofs. Partial, 
Neutral and Unknown results were possible. That was suppose to be feed to a 
heuristics, highly subjective Reputation Engine. After exactly 20 years of 
data, SPF rejection rate is 6.3% of the incoming rejection reasons. 

>> I agree there are better solutions, but they're not yet developed.  As ugly 
>> as 
>> it may be, From: munging is the emerged solution.  It is a _fact_.  Now 
>> repeat 
>> again that the IETF standardized facts, not theories...
> Let's put the challenge back on you: Where's your evidence that From munging 
> is the emerged consensus solution that this working group should standardize? 
>  Where is this _fact_?  If we advance that as a Proposed Standard, the 
> community will quite reasonably ask why we think this is true, and we're 
> going to need to be able to answer them.  If working group consensus agrees, 
> then away we go.

As much as I am an original mail engineering purest (anyone here ever work with 
Fidonet?) and therefore consider it to be a fundamental taboo to destroy 
originating copyrighted authorship of anything, the MLS/MLM needs to evolve to 
handle the various 1::many broadcasting distributions under a new security 

Because the current DMARCbis umbrella ist not providing 100% coverage, for the 
MLS./MLM, it needs to do one of two things;  restrict subscription/submissions 
or strip the security and rewrite the copyrighting authorship, perpetuating a 
potential harm including legal.

The latter is not preferred.  The former would be normal part of a protocol 
complete algorithm. You would do the former always.  It’s the easiest.  No need 
to modify the MLS.  Just the MLM low code provisional scripts.

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