It appears that Laura Atkins  <> said:
>That was my question: is it an interop issue that ESPs (whether they be your 
>traditional ESP or a SaaS provider that sends
>mail on behalf of their customers) cannot support custom domains in the SPF 
>and DKIM and thus cannot support DMARC? Many of
>the current companies have made the decision that supporting DMARC is too 
>hard, and so what they do is use their own domain
>for DMARC (some publish restrictive polices and some don’t). 

I don't see how it's an interop problem. They send mail, recipients do
the usual DMARC thing with it. The choice of identity may be a
business problem between them and their customers, but that's not up
to us. I can easily imagine situations where a company figures it's
not a particularly attractive phish target, they balance the possible
cost of misleading email against the cost of implementing delegated
DKIM or subdomains or whatever and decide just go ahead and send.

>Should DMARCbis make the recommendation that if you are providing mail 
>services that you SHOULD be able to support corporate
>customers using DMARC? 

It seems to me purely a business decision what domain you use on your
mail, so long as it's not one you're not allowed to use.  While I agree
with you that it is not great that ESPs punt on DMARC, please see once
again my note about trying to enumerate all the dumb stuff people might do.


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