A new meeting session request has just been submitted by Barry Leiba, a Chair
of the DMARC Working Group.

Working Group Name: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & 
Area Name: Applications and Real-Time Area
Session Requester: Barry Leiba

Number of Sessions: 1
Length of Session(s): 1 Hour
Number of Attendees: 30
Conflicts to Avoid: 
 Chair conflict: shmoo jmap iabopen gendispatch extra emailcore cbor calext
 Technology overlap: extra emailcore dnsop dispatch artarea add


Participants who must be present:
  John R. Levine
  Alessandro Vesely
  Scott Kitterman
  Alex Brotman
  Todd Herr

Resources Requested:
  Experimental Room Setup (U-Shape and classroom, subject to availability)

Special Requests:
  Please avoid ART-area and Sec-area BoFs

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