On Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 3:25 PM Hector Santos <hsantos=
40isdg....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> On Mar 14, 2024, at 10:09 AM, Todd Herr <todd.herr=
> 40valimail....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> To configure SPF for DMARC, the Domain Owner MUST choose a domain to use
> as the RFC5321.MailFrom domain (i.e., the Return-Path domain) for its mail
> that aligns with the Author Domain, and then publish an SPF policy in DNS
> for that domain. The SPF record MUST be constructed at a minimum to ensure
> an SPF pass verdict for all known sources of mail for the RFC5321.MailFrom
> domain.
> A major consideration, Todd, is receivers will process SPF for SPF without
> DMARC (payload) considerations.  IOW, if SPF is a hardfail, we have SMTP
> processors who will not continue to transmit a payload (DATA).
> DMARCBis is making a major design presumption receivers will only use SPF
> as a data point for a final DMARC evaluation where a potentially high
> overhead payload was transmitted only to be rejected anyway,

I don't necessarily think your assertion is true here, or at least I'd
submit that DMARCbis and RFC 7489 aren't approaching this subject any

Section 10.1 from RFC 7489, titled "Issues Specific to SPF" had two
paragraphs, the second of which reads:

   Some receiver architectures might implement SPF in advance of any
   DMARC operations.  This means that a "-" prefix on a sender's SPF
   mechanism, such as "-all", could cause that rejection to go into
   effect early in handling, causing message rejection before any DMARC
   processing takes place.  Operators choosing to use "-all" should be
   aware of this.

DMARCbis contains the same two paragraphs with no change to the text, other
than the section is now numbered 8.1.

> In the ticket, I propose the following new text:
> ==================================================
> To configure DKIM for DMARC, the Domain Owner MUST choose a DKIM-Signing
> domain (i.e., the d= domain in the DKIM-Signature header) that aligns with
> the Author Domain.
> ==================================================
> In order to maximize security, the Domain Owner is REQUIRED to choose a
> …..
> Is REQUIRED the same as MUST?   I think SHOULD or MUST is fine as long as
> we specify the reason it is required,

I'm not understanding the comment you're making here, as I don't see the
word "REQUIRED" in anything I wrote.

If one wants to configure DKIM for DMARC, one MUST choose a DKIM signing
domain that aligns with the Author Domain, mustn't one? Saying SHOULD
choose an aligned DKIM domain means that the Domain Owner can choose not to
choose an aligned DKIM domain, and that won't be configuring DKIM for DMARC.


Todd Herr | Technical Director, Standards & Ecosystem
Email: todd.h...@valimail.com
Phone: 703-220-4153

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