What is your point / the information you find relevant here to WGLC of the
bis project?

We do many times this volume in a single day and are happy to share top
line stats.



On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 18:08 Matthäus Wander <mail=
40wander.scie...@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> Here is an evaluation of 84k aggregate reports in the timespan of
> 2020-2024.
>    481 reporting organizations
>        derived from 896 distinct <org_name> strings
>    ---+---
>     44 use Organization Names ("Example")
>          with min=1, median=1.0, mean=1.11, max=3 distinct names
>    344 use Organizational Domains only ("example.net")
>          with min=1, median=1.0, mean=1.05, max=10 distinct domains
>     93 use Hostnames and Domains ("mx1.example.net")
>          with min=1, median=2, mean=5.23, max=315 distinct hosts
>    ---+---
>    364 report version
>      2 report version__other
>      0 report meta_error
>    450 report sp
>    340 report sp__empty
>     39 report fo__v1
>      0 report fo__v1empty
>     69 report override_reason
>     21 report envelope_to
>    354 report envelope_from__v1
>    119 report envelope_from__v1empty
>     18 report envelope_from__v1missing
>      3 report dkim_selector__empty
>     94 report dkim_selector__missing
>     18 report dkim_result__none
>     19 report dkim_human_result
>     17 report dkim_human_result__copy
>    357 report spf_scope__v1
>    ---+---
> Human-comprehensible result:
> - 76% (364/481) of reporters announce the use of the RFC 7489
> <version>1.0</version> schema.
> - No one seems to use <error> below <report_metadata>.
> - 71% (340/481) report an empty <sp></sp> instead of the default value.
> - 11% (39/364) of 1.0 reporters include the <fo> element, although it's
> actually mandatory. Draft schema does not have <fo>.
> <identifiers>:
> -  4% (21/481) use <envelope_to>.
> - 97% (351/364) of 1.0 reporters use <envelope_from>. Draft schema does
> not have <envelope_from>.
> - 33% (119/364) have used an empty <envelope_from> (i.e., reported a
> bounce) at least once.
> -  5% (18/364) have omitted <envelope_from> at least once, even though
> it is mandatory in 1.0.
> - The remaining 62% either did not receive a bounce or do not report
> bounces.
> <dkim>:
> - 20% (94/481) have omitted the optional <selector> in a DKIM result at
> least once.
> -  4% (18/481) have reported a DKIM <result>none</result>, even though
> they could've instead omit the <dkim> element altogether.
> -  4% (19/481) have used the DKIM <human_result>, but only 2 used it for
> extra information that was not just a copy of <result>.
> Regards,
> Matt
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