Oh I’ve just noticed that you are referring -02 version. But the latest version 
is -03.
Please find it from following link:


You can find much more about how stateless interworking works and its benefits.
Control-plane consideration has also been described well than -02 version.


> 2017/11/13 20:14、Satoru Matsushima <satoru.matsush...@gmail.com>のメール:
> Thank you Sri, for your review.
>> 1.) It will be useful to identify the key data plane features used today in 
>> conjunction with the tunnel based approach and how those features are 
>> impacted when using SRv6 user plane. 
> Sure. But I’d just cite existing document which well described current 
> approach. It would be sfc for mobile document as one of them:
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-sfc-use-case-mobility
> But I couldn’t find tunneled path optimization and service chaining. So it 
> seems to be explained in our I-D, do you think so?
>> 2.) There are heartbeat protocols that is used for path check between the 
>> access and anchor.
> Ok, that would be an OAM feature like ICMPv6 in SRv6. Will try to mention it.
>> Assuming those mechanisms are still in use between the access and anchor, I 
>> am wondering how these failure events impact the SRv6 states? For exam   
>> 3.) Discussion on definition of new SRv6 functions needed to support this 
>> architecture will help
> Right. Those are End.TM and T.Tmap introduced for stateless interworking 
> between existing user-plane and SRv6 user-plane. Why “statless” is that not 
> to affect existing c-plane and to avoid more mobile state aware entities 
> because one of DMM purposes is to get rid out of mobile state from DPNs as I 
> understand.
>> 4.) It will be good if this document sets the overall context, allowing 
>> additional drafts to focus on specific aspects.
> Yes, while the revise work I found that at least IPv4 support would be good 
> to explain in an additional draft. But in terms of overall context, it would 
> be nice if we can have another document to explain that overall context in 
> addition to this draft because it mentions specific solution already. I think 
> I can help to work on that generic document in case some volunteers we can 
> involve.
> I’ll get back to following your comments on specific part of the draft.
> Cheers,
> --satoru
>> Please see inline for additional comments.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>               Segment Routing IPv6 for Mobile User-Plane
>>           draft-matsushima-spring-dmm-srv6-mobile-uplane-02
>> Abstract
>>   This document discusses the applicability of SRv6 (Segment Routing
>>   IPv6) to user-plane of mobile networks that SRv6 source routing
>>   capability with its programmability can fulfill the user-plane
>>   functions, such as access and anchor functions.  It takes advantage
>>   of underlying layer awareness and flexibility to deploy user-plane
>>   functions that enables optimizing data-path for applications.
>>   Network slicing and an interworking way between SRv6 and existing
>>   mobile user-plane are also discussed in this document.
>> Status of This Memo
>>   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
>>   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.
>>   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
>>   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
>>   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
>>   Drafts is at http://datatracker.ietf.org/drafts/current/.
>>   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
>>   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
>>   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
>>   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
>>   This Internet-Draft will expire on May 3, 2018.
>> Copyright Notice
>>   Copyright (c) 2017 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
>>   document authors.  All rights reserved.
>>   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
>>   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                  [Page 1]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>>   (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of
>>   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
>>   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
>>   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
>>   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
>>   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
>>   described in the Simplified BSD License.
>> Table of Contents
>>   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
>>   2.  Conventions and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
>>   3.  Motivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
>>   4.  Mobile User-Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
>>   5.  Segment Routing IPv6 for Mobile User-Plane Functions  . . . .   5
>>   6.  SRv6 Functions and Behaviors for User-Plane . . . . . . . . .   6
>>     6.1.  Per Session Segment for Basic User-Plane  . . . . . . . .   6
>>       6.1.1.  Uplink  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
>>       6.1.2.  Downlink  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
>>     6.2.  Aggregated Segment for Basic User-Plane . . . . . . . . .   8
>>       6.2.1.  Uplink  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
>>       6.2.2.  Downlink  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
>>     6.3.  Stateless Interworking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
>>     6.4.  Rate Limit Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
>>   7.  Network Slicing Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
>>   8.  Control Plane Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
>>   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
>>   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
>>   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
>>     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
>>     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
>>   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
>> 1.  Introduction
>>   In mobile networks, mobility management systems provide connectivity
>>   while mobile nodes move around.  While the control-plane of the
>>   system signals movements of a mobile node, user-plane establishes
>>   tunnel between the mobile node and anchor node over IP based backhaul
>>   and core networks.
>>   This document discusses the applicability of SRv6 (Segment Routing
>>   IPv6) to those mobile networks.  SRv6 provides source routing to
>>   networks where operators can explicitly indicate route for the
>>   packets from and to the mobile node.  SRv6 endpoint nodes act as
>>   roles of anchor of mobile user-plane.
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                  [Page 2]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>> 2.  Conventions and Terminology
>>   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
>>   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
>>   All segment routing and SRv6 network programming terms are defined in
>>   [I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing] and
>>   "[I-D.filsfils-spring-srv6-network-programming].
>> 3.  Motivations
>>   Today's and future applications are requiring highly optimized data-
>>   path between mobile nodes and the entities of those applications in
>>   perspectives of latency, bandwidth, etc,. However current
>>   architecture of mobile management is agnostic about underlying
>>   topologies of transport layer.  It rigidly fragments the user-plane
>>   in radio access, core and service networks and connects them by
>>   tunneling techniques through the user-plane functions such as access
>>   and anchor nodes.  Those agnostic and rigidness make it difficult for
>>   the operator to optimize the data-path.
>>   While the mobile network industry has been trying to solve that,
>>   applications shift to use IPv6 data-path and network operators adopt
>>   it as their IP transport as well.  
>> SRv6 integrates both application
>>   data-path and underlying transport layer in data-path optimization
>>   aspects that does not require any other techniques.
>> [Sri] May be worth rephrasing with more details.
>>   SRv6 source routing capability with programmable functions
>>   [I-D.filsfils-spring-srv6-network-programming] could fulfills the
>>   user-plane functions of mobility management.  It takes advantage of
>>   underlying layer awareness and flexibility to deploy user-plane
>>   functions.  Those are the motivations to adopt SRv6 for mobile user-
>>   plane.
>> 4.  Mobile User-Plane
>>   This section describes user-plane using SRv6 for mobile networks.
>>   This clarifies mobile user-plane functions to which SRv6 endpoint
>>   applied.
>>   Figure 1 shows mobile user-plane functions which are connected
>>   through IPv6-only networks.  In the Figure 1, an mobile node (MN)
>>   connects to an SRv6 endpoint serving access point role for the MN.
>>   When the endpoint receives packets from the MN, it pushes SRH to the
>>   packets.  The segment list in the SRH indicates the rest of user-
>>   plane segments which are L2 and L3 anchors respectively.  Then the
>>   endpoint send the packets to the IPv6 network.  In opposite
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                  [Page 3]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>>   direction, when an SRv6 endpoint serving L3 anchor role for the MN
>>   receives packets to it, the endpoint push SRH consist of the L2
>>   anchor and access point segments to the packets.
>> [Sri] I realize the control-plane extensions are outside the scope of this 
>> work, but might be worth explaining how the CP influences the segment list 
>> generation at the endpoint. I am assuming the User Plan Anchor selection, 
>> the IP address allocation would influence this segment list selection. May 
>> be you want to cover this in Appendix section for PMIP-based and GTP-based 
>> control plane as examples. 
>>                                User-plane
>>                                Function
>>                               <L2 Anchor>
>>                                O------O
>>                                | SRv6 |
>>                                | End  |
>>                                | Point|
>>                                O------O
>>              User-plane           ||           User-plane
>>    [MN]      Function        _____||_____      Function
>>      |     <Access Point>   /            \    <L3 Anchor>
>>   ___v___     O------O     /              \     O------O     ________
>>  /  Radio \   | SRv6 |    /                \    | SRv6 |    /        \
>> /  Access  \==| End  |===/     IPv6-Only    \===| End  |===/ Service  \
>> \    NW    /  | Point|   \      Network     /   | Point|   \    NW    /
>>  \________/   O------O    \                /    O------O    \________/
>>                            \              /
>>                             \____________/
>>                   Figure 1: Mobile User-plane with SRv6
>>   An SRv6 segment represents those each function, such as Access Point,
>>   Layer-2 (L2) Anchor and Layer-3 (L3) Anchor.  This makes mobile
>>   networks highly flexible to deploy any user-plane functions to which
>>   nodes in user flow basis.  
>> An SRv6 segment can represent a set of
>>   flows in any granularity of aggregation even though it is just for a
>>   single flow.
>> [Sri] May be some more explanation will greatly help
>>   Figure 2 shows that an SRv6 endpoint connects existing IPv4 mobile
>>   user-plane, which is defined in [RFC5213] and [TS.29281].  An SRv6
>>   segment in the endpoint represents interworking function which
>>   enables interworking between existing access point and SRv6 anchor
>>   segment, or SRv6 access point segment and existing anchor node.
>>   Existing mobile user-plane with IPv6 underlay is expected to be
>>   widely deployed.  As IPv6 network should be interoperable with SRv6
>>   endpoints can be accommodated on it, interworking with existing IPv6
>>   network is out of scope of this document.
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                  [Page 4]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>>     ________                                                 _______
>>    /        \    O------O                                   /       \
>>   / Service  \===|L2/L3 |                                  / Service \
>>   \    NW    /   |Anchor|         User-plane               \    NW   /
>>    \________/    |Node  |         Function                  \_______/
>>                  O------O       <Interworking>                  ||
>>                      \\_______     O------O     ________     O------O
>>                      /        \    | SRv6 |    /        \    | SRv6 |
>>                     / Existing \===| End  |===/ IPv6-Only\===| End  |
>>                     \  IPv4 NW /   | Point|   \  Network /   | Point|
>>       [MN]           \________/    O------O    \________/    O------O
>>        |             //                                         ||
>>     ___v____    O------O                                     ___||__
>>    / Radio  \   |Access|                                    / Radio  \
>>   /  Access  \==|Point |                            [MN]~~~/  Access  \
>>   \    NW    /  |Node  |                                   \    NW    /
>>    \________/   O------O                                    \________/
>>           Figure 2: Interworking with Existing Mobile Networks
>>   The detail of SRv6 segments representing user-plane functions are
>>   described in Section 5.
>> 5.  Segment Routing IPv6 for Mobile User-Plane Functions
>>   This section describes mobile user-plane functions to which SRv6 node
>>   can apply SRv6 functions and behaviors so that the nodes configured
>>   those segments can fulfills the user-plane functions.  Each function
>>   consist of two segments which are uplink (UL) from mobile node to the
>>   correspondent node, and downlink (DL) from the correspondent node to
>>   mobile node.
>>   We support following mobile user-plane functions:
>>   Access Point:
>>         Access Point function provides SRv6 node the role to which
>>         mobile node is connected directly.  eNodeB could be referenced
>>         as an entity implementing the access point in 3GPP term.
>> [Sri] Should the AP/eNB be impacted for supporting this architecture? Even 
>> though the air interface terminates on the AP, for all practical purposes 
>> the first-hop router has all the L2 awareness. Unless there is a need to 
>> look at the radio parameters/state (Ex: RSSI values ..etc) and if that can 
>> impact the SRv6 state machine on the endpoint, I wonder why the AP/eNB 
>> should have any SRv6 awareness. Or, may I am missing the point around "SRv6 
>> node the role to which mobile node is connected directly.”. 
>>   Layer-2 Anchor:
>>         Layer-2 anchor function provides SRv6 node the role to be
>>         anchor point while mobile node move around within a serving
>>         area which could be assumed as a layer-2 network.  Serving
>>         Gateway (SGW) could be referenced as an entity implementing the
>>         layer-2 anchor in 3GPP term.
>> [Sri] Does micro-mobility (UE movement within the radio network) under the 
>> same L2 anchor has any implication on the SRv6 operation ? Can a L2 handoff 
>> trigger some change in SRv6 state machine? 
>> The key question in my above two comments is where does SRv6 begin, at AP or 
>> at First-hope router? 
>>   Layer-3 Anchor:
>>         Layer-3 anchor function provides SRv6 node the role to be
>>         anchor point across a mobile network consists of multiple
>>         serving areas.  Packet data network gateway (PGW) could be
>>         referenced as an entity implementing the layer-3 anchor.
>>   Stateless Interworking:
>>         Stateless interworking function provides SRv6 node the role to
>>         interworking between existing mobile user-plane and SRv6 mobile
>>         user-plane.  It is expected that the endpoint of interworking
>>         segment could be unaware from the control-plane of the mobility
>>         management.  While there are combinations of interworking
>>         either existing or SRv6 network in which user-plane functions
>>         accommodate, interworking segment should cover all combinations
>>         without mobility state.
>> 6.  SRv6 Functions and Behaviors for User-Plane
>>   This section describes SRv6 functions and behavior applied to mobile
>>   user-plane roles by use cases.  Terminology of SRv6 endpoint
>>   functions refers to [I-D.filsfils-spring-srv6-network-programming].
>>   In addition to that, new SRv6 functions and behaviors are introduced
>>   to cover some user cases.
>> 6.1.  Per Session Segment for Basic User-Plane
>>   In this use case, we assume that mobile user-plane consists of SRv6
>>   segments per session basis.  We expect the user-plane functions as
>>   same as existing ones except using SRv6.  That means it just provides
>>   fundamental IPv6 connectivity for MNs and no advanced segment routing
>>   features introduced to it.
>> [Sri] What does per-session mean here? A mobile subscriber session with a 
>> specific IP address which is anchored on a UP Anchor?
>> Will all IP flows (Ex: TCP/UDP) for a given subscriber and with a specific 
>> source IPv6 address, always have the  anchor (L3 endpoint)?
>> 6.1.1.  Uplink
>>   In uplink, SRv6 node applies following SRv6 end point functions and
>>   transit behavior.
>>   Access Point:  T.Insert
>>   L2-Anchor:  End.B6
>>   L3-Anchor:  End.T
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                  [Page 6]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>>   When the access point node receives a packet destine to "D::1" from a
>>   mobile node "S::1", it does T.Insert process for the receiving
>>   packets to push a SRH with SID list (A2::1, D::1) and sets SL=1.  The
>>   access point node update DA to "A2::1" which indicates the UL
>>   L2-Anchor SID and forward the packet.
>> [Sri] Its good explain the above without impacting the AP.
>>   The L2-anchor node of "A2::1" segment does End.B6 process for the
>>   receiving packet according to the segment.  The node updates DA to
>>   next UL L3-anchor segment "A3::1" associated with "A2::1".  In this
>>   basic use case, just one UL L3-anchor SID with SL=0 is enough to do
>>   it so that there is no need to push another SRH to the packet in that
>>   PSP (Penultimate Segment Pop) operation.
>>   The L3-anchor node of "A3::1" segment does End.T process for the
>>   receiving packet according to the SRH that the node updates DA to
>>   D::1, decrement SL and lookup IPv6 table associated with "A3::1".  In
>>   this basic use case, decremented SL is 0 so that the node does PSP
>>   operation of popped out the SRH from the packet and forward it.
>> 6.1.2.  Downlink
>>   In downlink, SRv6 node applies following SRv6 end point functions and
>>   transit behavior.
>>   L3-Anchor:  T.Insert
>>   L2-Anchor:  End.B6
>>   Access Point:  End.X
>>   When the L3-anchor node receives a packet destine to "S::1" from a
>>   correspondant node "D::1", it does T.Insert process for the receiving
>>   packets to push a SRH with SID list (A2::2, S::1) and sets SL=1.  The
>>   access point node update DA to "A2::2" which indicates the DL
>>   L2-Anchor SID and forward the packet.
>>   The L2-anchor node of "A2::2" segment does End.B6 process for the
>>   receiving packet according to the segment.  The node updates DA to
>>   next DL access point segment "A1::2" associated with "A2::2".  In
>>   this basic use case, just one DL access point SID with SL=0 is enough
>>   to do it so that there is no need to push another SRH to the packet
>>   in that PSP (Penultimate Segment Pop) operation.
>>   The access point node of "A1::2" segment does End.X process for the
>>   receiving packet according to the SRH that the node updates DA to
>>   S::1, decrement SL and forward the packet to the mobile node through
>>   its associated radio channel.  In this basic use case, decremented SL
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                  [Page 7]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>>   is 0 so that the node does PSP operation of popped out the SRH from
>>   the packet and forward it.
>> 6.2.  Aggregated Segment for Basic User-Plane
>>   We assume that basic user-plane as well as Section 6.1 here, however
>>   this section describes that SRv6 nodes allocate an aggregated segment
>>   for multiple sessions, not in per session basis.  Thank to IPv6 GUA,
>>   there is no need to employ additional identifier to distinguish each
>>   session.  This benefits SRv6 node allows to apply one segment to
>>   mobile sessions which belong to same policy.
>> [Sri] Some explanations on the assumption around “session" definition will 
>> help
>> 6.2.1.  Uplink
>>   In uplink, SRv6 node applies following SRv6 end point functions and
>>   transit behavior.
>>   Access Point:  T.Insert
>>   L2-Anchor:  End.B6
>>   L3-Anchor:  End.T
>>   When the access point node receives a packet destine to "D::1" from a
>>   mobile node "S::1", it does T.Insert process for the receiving
>>   packets to push a SRH with SID list (AG20::, D::1) and sets SL=1.
>>   The access point node update DA to "AG20::" which indicates
>>   aggregated UL L2-Anchor SID and forward the packet.
>>   The aggregated L2-anchor node of "AG20::" segment does End.B6 process
>>   for the receiving packet according to the segment.  The node updates
>>   DA to aggregated UL L3-anchor segment "AG30::" associated with
>>   "AG20::".  In this basic use case, just one UL L3-anchor SID with
>>   SL=0 is enough to do it so that there is no need to push another SRH
>>   to the packet in that PSP (Penultimate Segment Pop) operation.
>>   The aggregated L3-anchor node of "AG30::" segment does End.T process
>>   for the receiving packet according to the SRH that the node updates
>>   DA to D::1, decrement SL and lookup IPv6 table associated with
>>   "AG30::".  In this basic use case, decremented SL is 0 so that the
>>   node does PSP operation of popped out the SRH from the packet and
>>   forward it.
>> 6.2.2.  Downlink
>>   In downlink, SRv6 node applies following SRv6 end point functions and
>>   transit behavior.
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                  [Page 8]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>>   L3-Anchor:  T.Insert
>>   L2-Anchor:  End.B6
>>   Access Point:  End.X
>>   When the L3-anchor node receives a packet destine to "S::1" from a
>>   correspondant node "D::1", it does T.Insert process for the receiving
>>   packets to push a SRH with SID list (AG21::, S::1) and sets SL=1.
>>   The access point node update DA to "AG21::2" which indicates the
>>   aggregated DL L2-Anchor SID and forward the packet.
>>   The aggregated L2-anchor node of "AG21::" segment does End.B6 process
>>   for the receiving packet according to the segment.  The node updates
>>   DA to aggregated DL access point segment "AG11::" associated with
>>   "AG21::".  In this basic use case, just one aggregated DL access
>>   point SID with SL=0 is enough to do it so that there is no need to
>>   push another SRH to the packet in that PSP (Penultimate Segment Pop)
>>   operation.
>>   The aggregated access point node of "AG11::" segment does End.X
>>   process for the receiving packet according to the SRH that the node
>>   updates DA to S::1, decrement SL and forward the packet to the mobile
>>   node through its associated radio channel.  In this basic use case,
>>   decremented SL is 0 so that the node does PSP operation of popped out
>>   the SRH from the packet and forward it.
>> 6.3.  Stateless Interworking
>>   SRv6 SID for stateless interworking function is encoding identifiers
>>   of corresponding tunnel in existing network as argument of the SID.
>>   This document define an SRv6 end function, "End.TM", and a transit
>>   behavior "T.Tmap" using following SID encoding:
>>                +----------------------+------+-------+-------+
>>                |Locater of interwork  |  DA  |  SA   | Tun-ID|
>>                +----------------------+------+-------+-------+
>>                        128-a-b-c          a      b       c
>>               Figure 3: Stateless Interworking SID Encoding
>>   In SRv6 to existing network direction, an endpoint of interworking
>>   allocates End.TM function to a SID prefix, say "T0::".  When the
>>   endpoint receives packet and the active segment of the packet
>>   indicates that SID prefix, the endpoint does End.TM process that pops
>>   the SRH of the SID, and then the endpoint encaps the payload with the
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                  [Page 9]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>>   encoded information in the SID which are tunnel identifier of tunnel
>>   header, source and destination IPv4 address of IPv4 header described
>>   in Figure 3.  Then the endpoint send out the packet to the existing
>>   network along with its routing policy.
>>   In existing network to SRv6 network direction, existing network
>>   allocates IPv4 address spaces routed to interworking SRv6 network.
>>   SRv6 network allocates a domain-wise SID prefix for interworking
>>   segments, say "T1::".  When a SRv6 endpoint connects to existing
>>   network receives packet destined to the allocated IPv4 address, the
>>   endpoint does T.Tmap behavior that decaps outer IPv4 and tunnel
>>   header, and then pushs an SRH with the SID which consists of the
>>   allocated SID prefix "T1::", source and destination addresses, and
>>   tunnel identifier as described in Figure 3.  Then the endpoint send
>>   out the packet to the SRv6 network along with its routing policy.
>>   In case of IPv4 flow packet over the user-plane, the endpoint does
>>   IPv6 header encaps and decaps instead of SRH insert and pop process.
>>   The IPv6 header includes interworking segment SID in the SRH.
>>   Noted that to make sure stateless interworking, entities of control-
>>   plane in mobile management should cooperate with SRv6 user-plane
>>   settings.  Further control-plane consideration is discussed in
>>   Section 8.
>> 6.4.  Rate Limit Function
>>   Mobile user-plane requires rate-limit feature.  SID is able to encode
>>   limiting rate as an argument in SID.  Multiple flows of packets
>>   should have same group identifier in SID when those flows are in an
>>   same AMBR group.  This helps to keep user-plane stateless.  That
>>   enables SRv6 endpoint nodes which are unaware from the mobile
>>   control-plane information.  Encoding format of rate limit segment SID
>>   is following:
>>                +----------------------+----------+-----------+
>>                | Locater of rate-limit| group-id | limit-rate|
>>                +----------------------+----------+-----------+
>>                          128-i-j            i          j
>>               Figure 4: Stateless Interworking SID Encoding
>>   In case of j bit length is zero in SID, the node should not do rate
>>   limiting unless static configuration or control-plane sets the limit
>>   rate associated to the SID.
>> [Sri] In addition to Rate Limiting, probably few other QoS elements have to 
>> supported here.
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                 [Page 10]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>> 7.  Network Slicing Considerations
>>   Mobile network may be required to create a network slicing that
>>   represent a set of network resources and isolate those resource from
>>   other slices.  User-plane functions represented as SRv6 segments
>>   would be part of a slice.
>>   To represent a set of user-plane function segments for a slice,
>>   sharing same prefix through those SIDs within the slice could be a
>>   straightforward way.  SIDs in a network slice may include other type
>>   of functions in addition to the mobile user-plane functions described
>>   in this document, and underlay integration to meet SLA and quality
>>   requirements.
>>   While network slicing has been discussed in the IETF and other
>>   standardization bodies, what functionalities are required for network
>>   slicing in mobile user-plane is further study item and to be
>>   discussed.
>> [Sri] I am not sure if slicing discussion is relevant here
>> 8.  Control Plane Considerations
>>   Mobile control-plane entities must allocate SIDs to user-plane
>>   function segments in case of those entities are distributed to
>>   accommodate in the SRv6 nodes, or those are separated from the
>>   endpoint but each of them corresponds to each SRv6 node.  In latter
>>   case, control-plane entity must advertise allocated SID to the
>>   endpoint through some means which are out of scope of this document.
>>   Noted that in the case of aggregated segments for mobile user-plane
>>   functions, allocated SIDs for the segments can be pre-configured to
>>   SRv6 nodes.  The control-plane should utilize those SIDs to manage
>>   mobility sessions especially when increasing number of sessions is
>>   expected to hit the upper-limit of the user-plane nodes.
>>   When a centralized controller interfaces to mobile control-planes is
>>   capable to allocate SIDs to the controlling SRv6 endpoints, the
>>   mobile control-planes just need to indicate the endpoint nodes and
>>   their user-plane functions to the controller.  In this case, the
>>   controller must allocate appropriate SIDs for the user-plane roles to
>>   the indicated SRv6 endpoints.  The controller must advertise
>>   allocated SIDs to the endpoints.  To build centralized controller for
>>   mobile user-plane is out of scope of this document.
>>   However, to indicate endpoints and their user-plane functions from
>>   mobile control-plane to user-plane, the endpoint or the controller
>>   could take advantage of [I-D.ietf-dmm-fpc-cpdp].  It provides
>>   interface to the control-plane to manage the user-plane of mobile
>>   networks.
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                 [Page 11]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>>   In case of stateless interworking, SID allocating entity needs to be
>>   aware SID prefix which interworking SRv6 endpoint and SRv6 domain
>>   allocate discussed in Section 6.3.  The mobile control-plane also
>>   need to allocate tunnel endpoint IPv4 address to which corresponding
>>   interworking segment destined from existing user-plane that is also
>>   discussed in Section 6.3.
>> 9.  Security Considerations
>>   TBD
>> 10.  IANA Considerations
>>   This document has no actions for IANA.
>> 11.  References
>> 11.1.  Normative References
>>   [I-D.filsfils-spring-srv6-network-programming]
>>              Filsfils, C., Leddy, J., daniel.vo...@bell.ca, d.,
>>              daniel.bern...@bell.ca, d., Steinberg, D., Raszuk, R.,
>>              Matsushima, S., Lebrun, D., Decraene, B., Peirens, B.,
>>              Salsano, S., Naik, G., Elmalky, H., Jonnalagadda, P.,
>>              Sharif, M., Ayyangar, A., Mynam, S., Henderickx, W.,
>>              Bashandy, A., Raza, K., Dukes, D., Clad, F., and P.
>>              Camarillo, "SRv6 Network Programming", draft-filsfils-
>>              spring-srv6-network-programming-02 (work in progress),
>>              October 2017.
>>   [I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing]
>>              Filsfils, C., Previdi, S., Ginsberg, L., Decraene, B.,
>>              Litkowski, S., and R. Shakir, "Segment Routing
>>              Architecture", draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-13 (work
>>              in progress), October 2017.
>>   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
>>              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
>>              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, <https://www.rfc-
>>              editor.org/info/rfc2119>.
>> 11.2.  Informative References
>>   [I-D.ietf-dmm-fpc-cpdp]
>>              Matsushima, S., Bertz, L., Liebsch, M., Gundavelli, S.,
>>              Moses, D., and C. Perkins, "Protocol for Forwarding Policy
>>              Configuration (FPC) in DMM", draft-ietf-dmm-fpc-cpdp-09
>>              (work in progress), October 2017.
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                 [Page 12]
>> Internet-Draft             SRv6-mobile-uplane               October 2017
>>   [RFC5213]  Gundavelli, S., Ed., Leung, K., Devarapalli, V.,
>>              Chowdhury, K., and B. Patil, "Proxy Mobile IPv6",
>>              RFC 5213, DOI 10.17487/RFC5213, August 2008,
>>              <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5213>.
>>   [TS.29281]
>>              3GPP, , "General Packet Radio System (GPRS) Tunnelling
>>              Protocol User Plane (GTPv1-U)", 3GPP TS 29.281 10.3.0,
>>              September 2011.
>> Authors' Addresses
>>   Satoru Matsushima
>>   SoftBank
>>   Tokyo
>>   Japan
>>   Email: satoru.matsush...@g.softbank.co.jp
>>   Clarence Filsfils
>>   Cisco Systems, Inc.
>>   Belgium
>>   Email: c...@cisco.com
>>   Miya Kohno
>>   Cisco Systems, Inc.
>>   Japan
>>   Email: mko...@cisco.com
>>   Daniel Voyer
>>   Bell Canada
>>   Canada
>>   Email: daniel.vo...@bell.ca
>> Matsushima, et al.         Expires May 3, 2018                 [Page 13]
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