Hello Kalyani,

> When you see UPF specifically it should be controlled by SMF through N4, they 
> are not the UPFs.
> But you might see them as UPFs if a SMF doesn’t control them directly but the 
> SMF can put the sessions to it through some other means.
> 3GPP SA2 has studied on that case (ETSUN). We consider how SMF deal with that 
> case and SRv6 may help to solve the issues to it in simpler way.
> Please let me know if you are interested in.
> [KB] is there a TR for ETSUN that I can read?

You can read it later on this September. See 

> [KB] I think your document needs to separate out 3 architectures: one for 4G 
> - SGW/PGW; one for 4G - CUPS; and one for 5G - UPF.

If you mean SRv6 Mobile Uplane draft, it is already a WG document, not my 
draft. So I’d collect opinions on this from WG. I’m sorry for that.
As a co-author of the draft, I’m afraid I disagree. SRv6 Mobile Uplane draft 
specifies SRv6 functions for mobile user plane, which should be architecture 

> [KB] I am also still not clear if the blue icons (which I think represent 
> IP/MPLS nodes) in your slides are included in SRv6 architecture or not.

I put some text what those icons indicate. Please find them in the slides. The 
blue icons represent IPv6 or SRv6 node.


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