Hello Seil,

Please excuse my delay for this clarifying comments.  I have been immersed elsewhere.

In order to be as clear as possible, please let me refer to a couple of diagrams.  Slide 5 of your presentation at IETF 101 was entitled "Model-5: On Demand Control Plane Orchestration Mode".

A URL is: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/101/materials/slides-101-dmm-dmm-deployment-models-and-architectural-considerations-01.

And then we have various representations of 3GPP architectural diagrams for 5G.  For instance, one can look at slides 4-6 of K. Bogineni et al.'s presentation.

A URL for the latter is: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/101/materials/slides-101-dmm-optimized-mobile-user-plane-solutions-for-5g-00

My suggestion was to try to correlate the two different representations of advanced mobility management architectures. This would involve making a correspondence between the [dmm] nomenclature (e.g., H-CPA, A-CPN, etc.) and the 3GPP nomenclature.  Plus it would be very nice to express the Service Primitives in terms of 3GPP 5G reference points - for at least a few of them.  Otherwise there is a reasonable chance that people from 3GPP and people from IETF may not see each others' points of view.

As I mentioned in an earlier email, I was somewhat surprised that routing between access networks using heterogeneous physical media was considered to be a problem, so the mismatch of viewpoints between the SDOs really does seem to be a problem.  I hope we can avoid it this next time around!  Maybe the FPC design for policy will be helpful.  I could imagine writing up a new section for inclusion in draft-bogineni-dmm-optimized-mobile-user-plane, but as mentioned elsewhere it is not clear just what are the criteria for selection.  Or (quite likely) I just missed it, but I'll try find it in the rush of relevant emails after the last IETF.

Charlie P.

On 3/27/2018 1:52 AM, Seil Jeon wrote:

Hi Charlie,

Thanks for your comments on our update of the I-D.

You commented and suggested that 5G functions in TS 23.501 need to be mapped with the CPA/CPN, DPA/DPN introduced in our I-D.

I know you have additional suggestions. Will you specifically mention, please?


Seil Jeon

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