Hi all,

As a co-author of this draft I support the adoption of this draft by the
work group. While 3GPP specifies slicing aspects within the 3GPP network,
how it gets mapped to transport networks when there are different transport
network options is not clearly specified anywhere. In this regard this
draft provides mechanisms for plumbing 3GPP network slicing with transport
network slicing and in the context of realizing end to end use cases, it
naturally fits into DMM WG's charter. The authors have addressed most of
the comments received earlier and there is a general interest in this


On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 3:47 AM Jeff Tantsura <jefftant.i...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I support adoption of the draft as co-author.
> The draft provides very much needed TN aware mobility framework.
> Co-authors have addressed all the comments provided.
> I believe there’s singifincat interest in the work, also outside of IETF
> Cheers,
> Jeff
> On Dec 30, 2020, 10:45 AM -0800, Sri Gundavelli <sgundave=
> 40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org>, wrote:
> Folks:
> The authors of the document, Transport Network aware Mobility for 5G, have
> presented the proposal and the need for standardization in multiple IETF WG
> meetings. There have been good amount of discussions in the mailers and
> there is some level of interest for the work from the community. We are
> therefore considering the adoption of this document as a DMM WG document,
> to be moved on Informational Standards track.
> *Transport Network aware Mobility for 5G*
> tools.ietf.org/html/draft-clt-dmm-tn-aware-mobility-08
> With this background, we would like to ask the WG to provide some feedback
> on their interest for this work. Please provide substantial comments as why
> this SHOULD be adopted, or why it SHOULD NOT be adopted. If there is
> interest, and if there are no other concerns from AD/IESG/Others, then we
> may take up this work.
> The adoption call will end on 18th of January, 2021.
> Regards
> DMM WG Chairs
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