Dear All,

2 questions on this draft:

Section 4.2 defines 'IETF Network Slice endpoints'

It Says -

" o They are conceptual points of connection of a consumer network,

      network function, device, or application to the IETF network
      slice.  This might include routers, switches, firewalls, WAN,
      4G/5G RAN nodes, 4G/5G Core nodes, application acceleration, Deep
      Packet Inspection (DPI), server load balancers, NAT44 [RFC3022
      NAT64 [RFC6146 <>], HTTP
header enrichment functions, and TCP

I presume 4G/5G RAN nodes, you meant eNB, gNB-DU, gNB-CU-UP etc. If yes,

there was a question from one of the 3GPP delegates on how this can be
called as

'IETF Network Slice Endpoint'?

I guess, we ought to be cognizant when we tag 'IETF' for some of

these definitions.

The above also mentions 4G/5G Core nodes aka SGW/PGW/all-variants-of-UPFs and

these are again not typically 'IETF Network Slice Endpoints'.

Could you please give your thoughts here?


Section 1 says

"IETF network slices are created and managed within the scope of one

   or more network technologies (e.g., IP, MPLS, optical). :

Obviously, optical is a bigger topic and if we talk about optical
solutions like

OTN (Layer 1)  and SPN (Layer 1.5) are more controlled by other SDOs. SPN has

a complete slicing solution with not much bearing to IETF.

So, could you please expand 'optical' in the list above? Is it the
various optical control plane

specifications done here, you were referring to?


Uma C.
dmm mailing list

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