On Tue, 3 Feb 2015 22:27:04 +0100
Nikolaus Klepp <off...@klepp.biz> wrote:

> Hi Steve!
> When you remove all extra stuff from TDE then you end up with a sytem
> thats still superior to XFCE. I'll just hilight the things I like
> most (only the base system, not the extra applications):
> - one cental configuriation tool for all aspects of TDE.
> - very fine grained configuration
> - single mouse click works as one would expect.
> - window behaviour configurable from "gerneral" down to "single
> window class" or "title"
> - session manager works (well, firefox does not play nicely, but
> then, where does it?)
> - konqeror simply works (as filemanager, KHTML has not been replaced
> by webkit but it's WIP when I recall correctly)
> - kmail. fast, reliable, and uses maildir (one file per mail), a big
> plus when it comes to backups and doing neet stuff with mails.
> - has a desktop (downside: xsnow does not play nice).
> - acessability simply works. (Sticky keys, self releasing keys, ....)
> - no nepomuck / zeitgeist.
> - all configs cleartext.
> I like it so much that I still try to get it working on FreeBSD -
> currently I'm running FVWM :-)
> Nik

Hi Nik,

You paint a tempting picture.

I'm a special case, in that I long ago made a policy decision to
allow absolutely no KDE libraries on my computers, and I long ago
jettisoned Kmail from my life.

But maybe some day I'll put TDE on a laptop, and evaluate it.

Most people don't have the same level of KDE aversion I do, and for
them, TDE just might be great, although I don't see how anyone could
use Kmail, for almost the same reasons I cant see how anyone could use

By the way, Nik, you're about the fifth person I've heard speaking
glowingly of TDE in the last two months. TDE must be doing something


Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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