On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 08:44:22PM +0000, Luke Leighton wrote:
> Gravis <ring3k <at> adaptivetime.com> writes:
> > 
> > > * returning to manual keyboard and mouse configuration in Xorg
> > 
> > where did it move to before? 
>  i never removed the manual keyboard and mouse configuration
>  options that i had installed years back.  however as xorg has
>  grown more features, one of them included "automatic udev
>  device detection", meaning that you *could* run with a
>  completely blank (or even missing) xorg.conf.
>  however, many people did not remove their old (manual) keyboard
>  and mouse configuration sections, so what the xorg team did was
>  to add an entry (which defaults to "on") "Use auto configuration".
>  when this flag is set, any entries which use kbd or mouse drivers
>  unfortunately, then, if you disable udev (which i did), xorg
>  doesn't detect a mouse or keyboard - or in fact *ANY* input
>  device - AT ALL.
>  so, as documented in the document i wrote, you have to (a)
>  set a flag to tell xorg to stop using auto-device detection
>  and (b) return to the situation that everyone put up with
>  before auto-device detection support was added.

Thanks to your write-up, I've gotten Xorg working sans udev
(actually, simulated via overmounting with tmpfs and running mdev).
FYI, *this* was why I included "devinfo" in libsysdev:
for d in /dev/input/*; do DEV="`devinfo $d`"; [ -e "$DEV/name" ] && { echo $d; 
cat $DEV/name; } ; done
AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
Video Bus
SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
Power Button
Lid Switch
Sleep Button
Power Button
HDA Digital PCBeep
HDA Intel Mic
HDA Intel Headphone
Acer Crystal Eye webcam
SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad

It makes it a whole lot simpler when you don't have to guess what a
device is.
The trick is that input devices have a description at

Isaac Dunham
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