Le 10/03/2015 08:43, Anto a écrit :
On 10/03/15 01:21, Go Linux wrote:
On Mon, 3/9/15, etech3 <ete...@e-tech-systems.com> wrote:

  Subject: [Dng] Finding systemd
  To: dng@lists.dyne.org
  Date: Monday, March 9, 2015, 6:45 PM
Hi everybody

In a follow up to preparing for Devuan, I started going back to see if I
could find systemd. Yes I know, I know. But what I did was start by
installing just a base install of Squeeze. Just the base standard
install. The only package I added was the apt-show-versions. Now this is
a i386 install on a old Aopen server board with 2 gigs of memory.

After the base install I ran: locate systemd*. On Squeeze this is what I

Next I will post the package list with version numbers.

I plan on doing this for Squeeze, Wheezy and Jessie.

Stan > etech3

I don't have any systemd on my squeeze. How did you manage that? Backports?


Yes, me too. I am quite sure that I didn't get anything related to systemd on Debian squeeze, not even /etc/systemd and /lib/systemd folders. Perhaps they were left over from your previous install. Did you do clean install?

On my Wheezy (frequently updated, but without backports) I have the following packages, which do not include the daemon:
libsystemd-daemon0   required by pulse-audio only
libsystemd-login0 required by many important packages (consolekit, dbus, etc)

There are a lot of files in /etc/systemd and /lib/systemd. By their names, many of these are clearly meant to be used by the systemd daemon, but they are not part of the two packages above. eg: /lib/systemd/system/wpa_supplicant.service is installed by package wpasupplicant.

In fact every single daemon now ships with its systemd service file, much like they were previously providing the startup scripts for sysv-init and their soft links. The sole presence of these files is irritating, but they are not used. I think the only alternative for Debian is to provide packages like wpasupplicant-systemd and wpasupplicant-sysv, each installing only one file.


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