On 03/04/15 00:36, Franco Lanza wrote:
Personally on debian i was using from date

APT:Install-Recommends "0";
APT:Install-Suggests "0";

in all my install apt.conf.

I don't like apt downloading and installing things that are not required
but just recommended or suggested, expecially in server or embedded
envs, but also on my desktop.

What do you think if we make this the default in devuan?

Hello Franco,

I have been using this exact same setting for years in apt.conf.d folder of my servers and desktops. So I really support this idea. It is very safe and good setting especially for servers, in my opinion.

However, on my desktops sometime I have to be more careful to check the "Suggested" and "Recommended" packages when installing something as I had some issues because of that setting. I don't remember exactly which packages experience the issues, but the most recent issue that I had was on parole or possibly on xfce4-mixer where I could not hear mp3 music on my USB headset, only on my PC speaker. It was fixed after I installed audacious with all its "Suggested" and "Recommended" packages. I didn't try further to find out which packages are actually required by parole as I only wanted to hear music that night :)



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